
Give me back the sleep that has been stolen from my eyes,

ردوا على طرفي النوم الذي سلبا

1. Give me back the sleep that has been stolen from my eyes,
And tell me where my heart has gone.

١. رُدّوا عَلى طَرفيَ النَومَ الَّذي سَلَبا
وَخَبِّروني بِقَلبي أَيَّةً ذَهَبا

2. When I was pleased with love as my abode,
I found that sleep was angry with my eyes.

٢. عَلِمتُ لَمّا رَضيتُ الحُبَّ مَنزِلَةً
أَنَّ المَنامَ عَلى عَينَيَّ قَد غَضِبا

3. So I said, “Let it rage,” though silence better suits me,
Lest beauty be angered if I cry, “Let it rage!”

٣. فَقُلتُ واحَرَبا وَالصَمتُ أَجدَرُ بي
قَد يَغضَبُ الحُسنُ إِن نادَيتُ واحَرَبا

4. I have no right to retaliate against Moses and his sanctity,
Though he is free while I am duty bound and weary.

٤. وَلَيسَ ثَأري عَلى موسى وَحُرمَتِهِ
بِواجِبٍ وَهُوَ في حِلٍّ إِذا تَعَبا

5. I apologize to him for my spilled blood,
Saying, “I blamed him for shedding it out of fatigue.”

٥. إِنّي لَهُ عَن دَمي المَسفوكِ مُعتَذِرٌ
أَقولُ حَمَّلتُهُ في سَفكِهِ تَعَبَ

6. He whom God molded from the water of life
And whose thick-lipped mouth still drips moisture,

٦. مَن صاغَهُ اللَهُ مِن ماءِ الحَياةِ
وَمَد جَرَت بَقِيَّتُهُ في ثَغرِهِ شَنَبا

7. My soul delights in anguish over him and embraces it.
Do you know why my soul is so attuned to anguish?

٧. نَفسي تَلَذُّ الأَسى فيهِ وَتَألَفُهُ
هَل تَعلَمونَ لِنَفسي بِالأَسى نَسَبا

8. They said, “We knew you as a man of wisdom, so what
Has misled you?” I said, “Seek the cause in his glance.”

٨. قالوا عَهِدناكَ مِن أَهلِ الرَشادِ فَما
أَغواكَ قُلتُ اِطلُبوا مِن لَحظِهِ السَبَبا

9. O he who is absent, my worries for our separation consume me,
And the gloomy one pours forth when the sun of daybreak is veiled.

٩. يا غائِباً مُقلَتي تَهمي لِفُرقَتِهِ
وَالمُزنُ إِن حُجِبَت شَمسُ الضُحى اِنسَكَبا

10. I cast the sun of his image into the mirror of my thoughts,
So its reflection kindled flames in my innermost parts.

١٠. أَلقى بِمِرآةِ فِكري شَمسَ صورَتِهِ
فَعَكسُها شَبَّ في أَحشائِيَ اللَهَبا

11. When you left, I lost hold of patience and its cord,
And could find no spring or nightfall for its tent peg.

١١. لَمّا غَرَبتَ عَجَمتُ الصَبرَ أَسبُرُهُ
فَلَم أَجِد عودَهُ نَبعاً وَلا غَرَبا

12. How many nights have I spent with the stars witnessing
My prostration by a longing that overpowers if it prevails.

١٢. كَم لَيلَةٍ بِتُّها وَالنَجمُ يَشهَدُ لي
صَريعَ شَوقٍ إِذا غالَبتُهُ غَلَبا

13. I moan softly in the dark, and if its stars could speak,
They would echo my astonished state back to me.

١٣. مُرَدِّداً في الدُجى لَهفاً وَلَو نَطَقَت
نُجومُها رَدَّدَت مِن حالَتي عَجَبا

14. I robbed the agates of tears in sorrow until I saw
The celestial orbits had been plundered.

١٤. نَهَبتُ فيها عَقيقَ الدَمعِ مِن أَسَفٍ
حَتّى رَأَيتُ جُمانَ الشُهبِ قَد نُهِبا

15. Can an eye that you gaze upon be quenched
When the night’s darkness has taken all it craves?

١٥. هَل تَشتَفي مِنكَ عَينٌ أَنتَ ناظِرُها
قَد نالَ مِنها سَوادُ اللَيلِ ما طَلَبا

16. What can a lover do when you are mentioned but
Weep, complain, yearn, or quiver?

١٦. ماذا تَرى في مُحِبٍّ ما ذُكِرتَ لَهُ
إِلّا بَكى أَو شَكا أَو حَنَّ أَو طَرِبا

17. He sees your phantom in clear water when he wants
A drink, and so is sated without having drunk.

١٧. يَرى خَيالَكَ في الماءِ الزُلالِ إِذا
رامَ الشَرابَ فَيُروى وَهُوَ ما شَرِبا