1. Seek not my revenge, for I have no right
Upon the pillow of sleep to end a life.
١. لا تَطلُبوا ثَأري فَلا حَقَّ لي
عَلى لِحاظِ الرِئمِ مِن مَقتَلِ
2. I pardoned shedding my blood willingly
With a sip of your saliva's trickling.
٢. سَمَحتُ في سَفكِ دَمي راضِياً
بِرَشفَةٍ مِن ريقِكَ السَلسَلِ
3. Moses' union was a moment so pure
Defiled by spies and slanderers vile.
٣. وِصالُ موسى لَحظَةٌ صَفوُها
يُشابُ بِالواشينَ وَالعُذَّلِ
4. Brief flaming love's fires rapidly
Like an impatient spark, ardently.
٤. قَصيرَةٌ تُضرِمُ نارَ الهَوى
كَأَنَّها قَبسَةُ مُستَعجِلِ
5. A glance sees death as its soul's desire
And shame to leave a heart left lonely.
٥. لَحظٌ يَرى القَتلَ مُنى نَفسِهِ
وَالعارَ أَن يَترُكَ قَلبَ الخَلي
6. Youth's waning reveals a fairer sight
Than youth's blossoming days newly.
٦. غَضُّ الصِبا يُسفِرُ عَن مَنظَرٍ
أَحسَنَ مِن عَصرِ الصِبا المُقبِلِ
7. Formed of light and temptation amain
While people of water and clay remain.
٧. صُوِّرَ مِن نورٍ وَمِن فِتنَةٍ
وَالناسُ مِن ماءٍ وَمِن صَلصَلِ
8. Lament the weapon of time and gaze in
A battle rendered witless, dazed in
٨. شاكي سِلاحِ القَدِّ وَاللَحظِ في
حَربِ شَجٍ عَن صَبرِهِ أَعزَلِ
9. Bereft of cunning and patience, no
Shelter in reason or keep to go.
٩. مُنسَلِبِ الحيلَةِ وَالصَبرِ لا
يَأوي إِلى عَقلٍ وَلا مَعقِلِ
10. Miserly, denying the wish its way
In word; though he promise, he won't convey
١٠. ذو ضِنَّةٍ يَمنَعُ بَذلَ المُنى
قَولاً وَمَهما قالَ لَم يَفعَلِ
11. Denying me present, yet he'll allow
No entry to any tomorrow.
١١. يَنفي لِيَ الحالَ وَلَكِنَّهُ
يُدخِلُ لا في كُلِّ مُستَقبَلِ
12. I set my passions afire with his name,
Stoke the blaze higher in the brazier's flame.
١٢. أَحَلتُ أَشواقي عَلى ذِكرِهِ
أُسَلِّطُ النارَ عَلى المَندَلِ
13. Oh beauty's companion, be gentle, pray,
Ashamed of your gaze, so gracefully.
١٣. يا شَرَكَ الأَلبابِ كُن مُجمِلاً
وَاِستَحيِ مِن مَنظَرِكَ الأَجمَلِ
14. I fear for you censure from their dictum:
"Straight of form, but crooked his wisdom."
١٤. أَخشى عَلَيكَ العارَ مِن قَولِهِم
مُعتَدِلُ القامَةِ لَم يَعدِلِ
15. I refused all alone from you, but I
In wish and name thronged the assembly.
١٥. أَبيتُ فَرداً مِنكَ لَكِنَّني
مِنَ المُنى وَالذِكرِ في مَحفِلِ
16. Your brother the moon in night's dim keep
Kept vigil, while you slumbered, asleep.
١٦. وَقَد رَثى مِن سَهَري في الدُجى
شَقيقُكَ البَدرُ وَلَم تَرثِ لي