
The free suffer in the suspicion of their time,

يشقى بريب زمانها الأحرار

1. The free suffer in the suspicion of their time,
Does time have a grudge against the honorable?

١. يَشقى بِرَيبِ زَمانِها الأَحرارُ
هَل لِلزَمانِ لَدى المَكارِمِ ثارُ

2. The market of virtue still fails with it,
It's enough, and it spends money and blossoms.

٢. سوقُ الرَدى مازالَ يَكسِدُ عِندَها
حَسَبٌ وَتُنفِقُ فَضَّةٌ وَنُضارُ

3. Your world is a house that has not ceased to be built in it,
The vicissitudes of tribulations and the destruction of buildings.

٣. دُنياكَ دارٌ لَم تَزَل تُبنى بِها
نُوَبُ الخُطوبِ وَتُهدَمُ الأَعمارُ

4. You want retaliation for those you lost from virtue,
The wound of virtue is formidable in souls.

٤. تَبغي القَصاصَ بِمَن فَقَدتَ مِنَ الرَدى
جُرحُ الرَدى عِندَ النُفوسِ جَبارُ

5. Death took off his garment of life,
Indeed, the garment of life is borrowed.

٥. نَضَتِ المَنِيَّةُ عَنهُ ثَوبَ حَياتِهِ
ها إِنَّما ثَوبُ الحَياةِ مُعارُ

6. My ardor - the doomsday of my mind has come,
When its lights were eclipsed.

٦. لَهَفي لَقَد قامَت قِيامَةُ مُهجَتي
إِذ كُوِّرَت مِن شَمسِها أَنوارُ

7. And my day from the loss of it became
Night, and my night with insomnia became day.

٧. وَغَدا نَهاري مِن تَوَحُّشِ فَقدِهِ
لَيلاً وَلَيلي بِالسُهادِ نَهارُ

8. I became lonely in the world after him,
So it was as if its population became barren.

٨. أَمسَيتُ في الدُنيا وَحيداً بَعدَهُ
فَكَأَنَّما عُمرانُها إِقفارُ

9. A tear erased the beauty of patience from me,
With which lines were drawn on my page.

٩. وَمَحَت جَميلَ الصَبرِ مِنّي عَبرَةٌ
خُطَّت بِها في صَفحَتي آثارُ

10. Oh I wish I had shared his livelihood,
If I had a choice with fate.

١٠. يا لَيتَني في عيشَتي شاطَرتُهُ
لَو كانَ لي عِندَ القَضاءِ خِيارُ

11. Oh I wish I had shared with him the pain of virtue,
If fate would accept my division.

١١. يا لَيتَني قاسَمتُهُ أَلَمَ الرَدى
لَو كانَ يَرضى قِسمَتي المِقدارُ

12. Or I wish I had settled with him in his grave,
So we would be gathered under the soil in closeness.

١٢. أَو لَيتَني ساكَنتُهُ في لَحدِهِ
فَيَضُمُّنا تَحتَ التُرابِ جِوارُ

13. It is enough for death to miss the like of him,
A pole around which the eminent revolve.

١٣. حَسبُ المَنايا أَن تَفوتَ بِمِثلِهِ
قُطباً عَلَيهِ لِلعَلاءِ مَدارُ

14. The soil congratulates itself that his grave became part of it,
For with his grave it has honor and pride.

١٤. يُهني الثَرى أَن صارَ فيهِ لَحدُهُ
فَبِلَحدِهِ شَرَفٌ لَهُ وَفَخارُ

15. It gained wealth with a pearl from his body,
When oceans drowned in his bier.

١٥. حازَ الثَراءَ بِدُرَّةٍ مِن جِسمِهِ
إِذ أَغرَقَت بِالنَوءِ مِنهُ بِحارُ

16. The head of the state had been crowned through him,
And the elite's wrists adorned with bracelets from him.

١٦. قَد كانَ رَأسُ المُلكِ مِنهُ مُتَوَّجاً
وَبِمِعصَمِ العَلياءِ مِنهُ سِوارُ

17. Indeed, leadership after him is gloomy,
When the morning does not settle in it.

١٧. إِنَّ الرِياسَةَ بَعدَهُ لَكَئيبَةٌ
ما إِن يَقِرُّ بِها الغَداةَ قَرارُ

18. Glory marched under his leadership,
With his sword and eyelid arrogance marched.

١٨. وَلّى وَسارَ المَجدُ تَحتَ مَسيرِهِ
وَلِسَيفِهِ وَلِجَفنِهِ اِستِعبارُ

19. Is my speech of any use, O Abu al-Abbas? No,
Don't go far, and your remoteness has no benefit.

١٩. هَل نافِعٌ قَولي أَبا العَبّاسِ لا
تَبعُد وَبُعدُكَ لَيسَ فيهِ مَزارُ