
Ask sleep, O Musa, and congratulate its goodness

سل النوم يا موسى وهنئت طيبه

1. Ask sleep, O Musa, and congratulate its goodness
When did sleep care for the eye of your miserable lover?

١. سَلِ النَومَ يا موسى وَهُنِّئتَ طيبَهُ
مَتى عَهدُهُ مِن عَينِ مَهجورِكَ الشَقي

2. My fear of falling into temptation grew long
Indeed your eyes have brought what I feared

٢. وَطالَ اِتِّقائي أَن أُصابَ بِفِتنَةٍ
لَقَد جَلَبَت عَيناكَ ما كُنتُ أَتَّقي

3. You looked with those eyes, a murderous glance
If you die, will there be a glance of sympathy from them?

٣. نَظَرتَ بِتِلكَ العَينِ نَظرَةَ قاتِلٍ
فَهَل عِندَها إِن مُتُّ نَظرَةُ مُشفِقِ

4. O indifferent one, have I clung my hands to your rope
Like the rays of lightning gleaming?

٤. أَيا مُعرِضاً أَعلَقتُ مِن حَبلِهِ يَدي
بِمِثلِ شُعاعِ البارِقِ المُتَأَلِّقِ

5. I prove to the soul the falsity of his excuse
And convince him with patched up affection

٥. أُبَرهِنُ عِندَ النَفسِ باطِلَ عُذرِهِ
وَأَقنَعُ مِنهُ بِالوِدادِ المُلَفَّقِ

6. Have you stripped me of the garment of your connection after
Sorrow clothed my shoulders and scattered my gray hair?

٦. أَأَعرَيتَني مِن ثَوبِ وَصلِكَ بَعدَما
كَسَوتَ الضَنى عِطفَيَّ وَالشَيبَ مَفرِقي

7. O my solace, I do not know the excuse. Indeed,
I have taken, along with passions, the most solemn pact

٧. وَيا سَلوَتي لا أَعرِفُ العُذرَ إِنَّني
أَخَذتُ مَعَ الأَشجانِ أَكرَمَ مَوثِقِ

8. O companion, if you do not know that wretchedness
Is pleasurable, and resembles honor, then fall in love!

٨. وَيا صاحِ إِن لَم تَدرِ أَنَّ شَقاوَةً
تَلَذُّ وَهوناً يُشبِهُ العِزَّ فَاِعشَقِ