
My soul I'd sacrifice for Musa, though his glances

نفسي فدى موسى وإن لم تبق لي

1. My soul I'd sacrifice for Musa, though his glances
Leave me no soul with which I'd ransom him.

١. نَفسي فِدى موسى وَإِن لَم تُبقِ لي
أَلحاظُهُ نَفساً بِها أَفديهِ

2. He guides to the faith of youth, and his beauty's
A verse that leads astray whomsoever it guides.

٢. يَهدي إِلى دينِ الصُباةِ وَحُسنُهُ
آيٌّ يُضِلُّ بِهِنَّ مَن يَهديهِ

3. His glances act as Moses' staff did, their magic
Confirming his claim - none can disobey them.

٣. فَعَلَت فِعالَ عَصا الكَليمِ لِحاظُهُ
بِمُصَدِّقٍ دَعواهُ لا يَعصيهِ

4. For the youth's heart a serpent strives with its sting
To injure it - who will find the cure?

٤. تَسعى لِقَلبِ الصَبِّ مِنها حَيَّةٌ
أَودَت بِهِ لَسعاً فَمَن يَرقيهِ

5. And lovers' hearts perplexed I see, lost in the desert
Of passion, wandering endlessly, nowhere to flee.

٥. وَأَرى قُلوبَ العاشِقينَ تَحَيَّرَت
مِن تيهِهِ في مِثلِ قَفرِ التيهِ

6. So long has ardor burned that, were they to try,
Tears would pour forth like springs from their eyes.

٦. جَدَّ الغَليلُ وَلَو أَرادَ تَفَجَّرَت
مِثلَ العُيونِ لَنا مَراشِفُ الفيهِ

7. His glances cut through the sea of love, as Moses' staff
Once cleft the sea - none could it deny.

٧. شَقَّت ظُبى أَلحاظِهِ بَحرَ الهَوى
شَقَّ العَصا لِلصَبِّ كَي تُرديهِ

8. Till, when in them deeper I peered deceitfully,
They drowned me and my army of patience utterly.

٨. حَتّى إِذا أَمعَنتُ فيهِ مُغَرِّراً
أَغرَقنَني مَعَ جُندِ صَبري فيهِ

9. So I called to him, "For your love a believer am I,
If only the faith of the thorntree could save him!"

٩. فَدَعَوتُهُ إِنّي بِحُبِّكَ مُؤمِنٌ
لَو أَنَّ إيمانَ الشَجي يُنجيهِ