1. A rose whose essence is guaranteed success,
It is the dignity of this life and triumph in the afterlife,
١. وِرداً فَمَضمونٌ نَجاحُ المَصدَرِ
هِيَ عِزَةُ الدَنيا وَفَوزُ المَحشَرِ
2. Jihad has called you for covert victory,
It appears to you amongst the rugged mountains,
٢. نادى الجِهادُ بِكُم لِنَصرٍمُضمَرٍ
يَبدو لَكُم بَينَ العِتاقِ الضُمَّرِ
3. Leave the abodes for the eternal abode and embark
Upon the tumultuous seas to the bountiful greenery,
٣. خَلّوا الدِيارَ لِدارِ خَلدٍ واِركَبوا
غَمرَ العَجاجِ إِلى النَعيمِ الأَخضَرِ
4. And accustom yourselves to the bitterness of the waters during travel,
Quench your thirst with the water of the Cistern that is unperturbed,
٤. وَتَسَوَّغوا كَدِرَ المَناهِلِ في السُرى
تَرووُا بِماءِ الحَوضِ غَيرَ مُكَدَّرِ
5. And endure the turbulent ocean, for it
Is a cause for you to obtain the Kawthar river,
٥. وَتَجَشَّموا البَحرَ الأُجاجَ فَإِنَّهُ
سَبَبٌ بِهِ تَرِدونَ نَهرَ الكَوثَرِ
6. And withstand the heat of migration, for it
Is shade for you on the Day of the Greatest Gathering,
٦. وَتَحَمَّلوا حَرَّ الهَجيرِ فَإِنَّهُ
ظِلٌّ لَكُم يَومَ المُقامِ الأَكبَرِ
7. O company of Arabs, those who inherited
The noble qualities of chivalry generation after generation,
٧. يا مَعشَرَ العُربِ الَّذينَ تَوارَثوا
شِيَمَ الحِمِيَّةِ أَكبَراً عَن أَكبَرِ
8. Indeed God has purchased your souls
Sell yourselves and may the reward of the Buyer delight you,
٨. إِنَّ الإِلَهَ قَد اِشتَرى أَرواحَكُم
بيعوا وَيَهنِكُمُ ثَوابُ المُشتَري
9. You are most deserving to aid the religion of your Prophet
And through you it paved the way in ancient times,
٩. أَنتُم أَحَقُّ بِنَصرِ دينِ نَبِيِّكُم
وَبِكُم تَمَهَّدَ في قَديمِ الأَعصُرِ
10. You built its pillar so reinforce
That edifice with every dark-complexioned spear,
١٠. أَنتُم بَنَيتُم رُكنَهُ فَلتَدعَموا
ذاكَ البِناءَ بِكُلِّ أَلعَسَ أَسمَرِ
11. You have clattering swords which if you mounted
Would suffice you against every deceitful party,
١١. لَكُمُ صَرائِمُ لَو رَكِبتُم بَعضَها
أَغنَتكُمُ عَن كُلِّ طِرفٍ مُضمِرِ
12. And if you readied your resolves
You would vanquish your enemies with an army,
١٢. وَلَو أَنَّكُم جَهَّزتُمُ عَزماتِكُم
لَهَزَمتُمُ مِنها العَدُوَّ بِعَسكَرِ
13. And if you directed your aspirations
They would stab them before the quivering spearhead,
١٣. وَلَو أَنَّكُم سَدَّدتُمُ هِمّاتِكُم
طَعَنَتهُمُ قَبلَ القَنا المُتَأَطِّرِ
14. Guidance now complains of thirst while you are
Its shade and downpour like pouring rain,
١٤. أَضحى الهُدى يَشكو الظَما وَلَأَنتُمُ
ظِلٌّ وَرَيُّ كَالرَبيعِ المُمطِرِ
15. And darkness has covered the peninsula while your slumber
Is folded over the rising dawn,
١٥. وَعَلا الجَزيرَةَ غَيهَبٌ وَغُمودُكُم
مَطوِيَّةٌ فَوقَ الصَباحِ المُسفِرِ
16. The religion called you while above your pillows
Is the screaming plea and desire of the seeker of help,
١٦. الدينُ ناداكُم وَفَوقَ سُروجِكُم
غَوثُ الصَريخِ وَبُغيَةُ المُستَنصِرِ
17. No remnant remains for Islam other than a remnant
That has grown accustomed to the extraordinary events,
١٧. لَم يَبقَ لِلإِسلامِ غَيرُ بَقِيَّةٍ
قَد وَطِّنَت لِلحادِثِ المُتَنَكِّرِ
18. While disbelief aggressively expands and guidance
Clings to the tail of a dreary life,
١٨. وَالكُفرُ مُمتَدُّ المَطالِعِ وَالهُدى
مُتَمَسِّكٌ بِذِنابِ عَيشٍ أَغبَرِ
19. The whites writhe anxiously in the darkness,
For truth to throw down the hand of the belittled one,
١٩. البيضُ تَقلَقُ في الغُمودِ مَضاضَةً
لِلحَقِّ أَن يُلقي يَدَ المُستَصغَرِ
20. And the horses fidget impatiently tethered
Lest they freely roam amidst the yellow hordes,
٢٠. وَالخَيلُ تَضجَرُ في المَرابِطِ حَسرَةً
أَلّا تَجوسُ خِلالَ رَهطِ الأَصفَرِ
21. How they have denied so many symbols! How they destroyed
So many groups! How they altered so many sanctuaries!
٢١. كَم نَكَّروا مِن مَعلَمٍ كَم دَمَّروا
مِن مَعشَرٍ كَم غَيَّروا مِن مَشعَرِ
22. How they invalidated the Prophet's ways and suspended
The peak of monotheism's adornment - the Pulpit!
٢٢. كَم أَبطَلوا سُنَنَ النَبِيِّ وَعَطَّلوا
مِن حِليَةِ التَوحيدِ ذُروَةَ مِنبَرِ
23. Where are the protectors? Why have they not been resurrected?
Where are the resolvers? Why do they not rise?
٢٣. أَينَ الحَفائِظُ ما لَها لَم تَنبَعِث
أَينَ العَزائِمُ ما لَها لا تَنبَري
24. Is there a horseman among you who grips
A sword while the religion of Muhammad is not aided?
٢٤. أَيَهُزُّ مِنكُم فارِسٌ في كَفِّهِ
سَيفاً وَدينُ مُحَمَّدٍ لَم يُنصَرِ
25. Or how can the steeds boast of a crooked one among you
And the spears attribute themselves to an unblemished horse?
٢٥. أَم كَيفَ تَفتَخِرُ الجِيادُ بِأَعوَجٍ
فيكُم وَتَنتَسِبُ الرِماحُ لِسَمهَرِ
26. Shake out your garments for an endeavor in which you are clothed
In robes that are gained or excellent,
٢٦. هُزّوا مَعاطِفَكُم لِسَعيٍ تَكتَسي
فيهِ ثِيابَ مَثوبَةٍ أَو مَفخَرِ
27. Exert yourselves and grow your rewards through jihad,
The aim of one who rolls up his sleeves is not disappointed,
٢٧. جِدّوا وَنَمّوا بِالجِهادِ أُجورَكُم
ما خابَ قَصدُ مُشَمِّرٍ وَمُثَمِّرِ
28. In grave tribulations your merit becomes evident
And the fire informs of the acumen of the ambergris,
٢٨. عِندَ الخُطوبِ النُكرِ يَبدو فَضلُكُم
وَالنارُ تُخبِرُ عَن ذَكاءِ العَنبَرِ
29. If Islam were personified he would come to you
Hastily with an anxious and confused self,
٢٩. لَو صُوِّرَ الإِسلامُ شَخصاً جاءَكُم
عَمداً بِنَفسِ الوامِقِ المُتَحَيِّرِ
30. If he called you for aid saying "My family O my comrades!"
And summoned you, O my clan, O my company!
٣٠. لَو أَنَّهُ نادى لِنَصرٍ خَصَّكُم
وَدَعاكُمُ يا أُسرَتي يا مَعشَري