
By my tormented eyelids and my eyelids

بأبي جفون معذبي وجفوني

1. By my tormented eyelids and my eyelids
Which have brought my demise upon me

١. بِأَبي جُفونُ مُعَذِّبي وَجُفوني
فَهِيَ الَّتي جَلَبَت إِلَيَّ مَنوني

2. I never thought before her that my eyelids
Would lead me astray with a glance of passion

٢. ما كُنتُ أَحسَبُ أَنَّ جَفني قَبلَها
يَقتادُني مِن نَظرَةٍ لِفُتونِ

3. Oh may God destroy the eyes for they
Have judged us with love and weakness

٣. يا قاتَلَ اللَهُ العُيونَ لِأَنَّها
حَكَمَت عَلَينا بِالهَوى وَالهونِ

4. And I had concealed love in my bosom
Until it spoke through the tears of my passion

٤. وَلَقَد كَتَمتُ الحُبَّ بَينَ جَوانِحي
حَتّى تَكَلَّمَ في دُموعِ شُؤوني

5. Alas you cannot conceal the signs of love
My confidant almost said take me

٥. هَيهاتَ لا تَخفى عَلاماتُ الهَوى
كادَ المُريبُ بِأَن يَقولَ خُذوني

6. And my dear one has the gazes of a startled gazelle
The black lions guarding her abode have barred my way

٦. وَبِمُهجَتي أَلحاظُ ظَبيَةِ وَجرَةٍ
حُرّاسُ مَسكِنِها أُسودُ عَرينِ

7. They closed the paths to me fearing for their road
So the specter cannot travel with ease

٧. سَدّوا عَلَيَّ الطُرقَ خَوفَ طَريقِهِم
فَالطَيفُ لا يَسري عَلى تَأمينِ

8. Was it not enough they prevented me that they blamed
Her innocent with the stoning of suspicions

٨. أَوَما كَفاهُم مَنعُهُم حَتّى رَمَوا
مِنها مُبَرَّأَةً بِرَجمِ ظُنونِ

9. And imagined she had taken coffee
When they saw her bending with softness

٩. وَتَوَهَّموا أَن قَد تَعاطَت قَهوَةً
لَمّا رَأَوها تَنثَني مِن لينِ

10. And they questioned her who gave you to drink and they did not know
What her smile and eyelids concealed

١٠. وَاِستَفهِموها مَن سَقاكِ وَما دَرَوا
ما اِستودِعَت مِن مَبسِمٍ وَجُفونِ

11. And of wonders that they exposed me
To passion and after seduced me

١١. وَمِنَ العَجائِبِ أَنَّهُم قَد عَرَّضوا
بي لِلفُتونِ وَبَعدَهُ عَذَلوني

12. They deceived my heart with union and when
They ignited love in my ribs they deserted me

١٢. خَدَعوا فُؤادي بِالوِصالِ وَعِندَما
شَبّوا الهَوى في أَضلُعي هَجَروني

13. Had they not wanted my murder they would not have fed
A coveting heart proximity in the past

١٣. لَو لَم يُريدوا قَتلَتي لَم يُطعِموا
في القُربِ قَلبَ مُتَيَّمٍ مَفتونِ

14. They did not have mercy when it was time for their separation
What harm if they had mercy upon me

١٤. لَم يَرحَموني حينَ حانَ فِراقُهُم
ما ضَرَّهُم لَو أَنَّهُم رَحَموني

15. And of wonders that my critic was astonished
That my longing and my yearning prolonged

١٥. وَمِنَ العَجائِبِ أَن تَعَجَّبَ عاذِلي
مِن أَن يَطولَ تَشَوُّقي وَحَنيني

16. Oh my critic leave me and my heart and love
Did you fault me a heart to carry my passion

١٦. يا عاذِلي ذَرني وَقَلبي وَالهَوى
أَأَعَرتَني قَلباً لِحَملِ شُجوني

17. Oh gazelle twisting my debts in love
What is the way to collect my debts

١٧. يا ظَبيَةً تَلوي دُيوني في الهَوى
كَيفَ السَبيلُ إِلى اِقتِضاءِ دُيوني

18. Between me and you when it takes its revenge
Are hearts sick from the illness of eyelids

١٨. بَيني وَبَينَكِ حينَ تَأخُذُ ثَأرَها
مَرضى قُلوبٍ مِن مِراضِ جُفونِ

19. What harm would it have done you, oh sister of my dear one
If you had sent a greeting to give me life

١٩. ما كانَ ضَرَّكِ يا شَقيقَةَ مُهجَتي
أَن لَو بَعَثتِ تَحِيَّةً تُحيِيني

20. Beautify perfection you are rich in it
And give charity from it to the pauper

٢٠. زَكّي جَمالاً أَنتِ فيهِ غَنِيَّةٌ
وَتَصَدَّقي مِنهُ عَلى المِسكينِ

21. Favor me even with a visiting specter
Little does not decrease from the bestowal of the stingy

٢١. مُنّي عَلَيَّ وَلَو بِطَيفٍ طارِقٍ
ما قَلَّ يَكثُرُ مِن نَوالِ ضَنينِ

22. I never thought before your love that I would see
In a house other than eternal, maidens of paradise

٢٢. ما كُنتُ أَحسَبُ قَبلَ حُبِّكِ أَن أَرى
في غَيرِ دارِ الخُلدِ حورَ العينِ

23. By your beauty, I swear I have not seen the likes of it
In both worlds, so true is my oath

٢٣. قَسَماً بِحُسنِكِ ما بَصُرتُ بِمِثلِهِ
في العالَمينَ شَهادَةً بِيَمينِ