1. Oh Musa, you have led me to the worst plight,
And Pharaoh is not so ungrateful.
١. أَموسى لَقَد أَورَدتَني شَرَّ مَورِدٍ
وَما فِرعَونٌ كَفورُ الصَنائِعِ
2. You captivated my heart when you sent the serpent
Of accusation, and drowned me in my tears.
٢. سَحَرتَ فُؤادي حينَ أَرسَلتَ حَيَّةَ ال
عِذارِ وَقَد أَغرَقتَني في مَدامِعي
3. I did not fear that my end would be
At your hands, though days can be deceptive.
٣. وَما كُنتُ أَخشى أَن تَكونَ مَنِيَّتي
بِكَفَّيكَ وَالأَيّامُ ذاتُ بَدائِعِ
4. By God, neither my hearing nor sight
Takes pleasure in anyone but you - that is of no use to me.
٤. وَوَاللَهِ ما يَلتَذُّ سَمعي وَناظِري
بِغَيرِكَ إِنساناً وَما ذاكَ نافِعي
5. You made patience upon me an unsheathed blade
And forbade that I should come to you with an intercessor.
٥. جَعَلتَ عَلَيَّ الصَبرَ ضَربَةَ لازِبٍ
وَحَرَّمتَ أَن آتي إِلَيكَ بِشافِعِ
6. I do not grieve that I die; rather
My fear is that you cast me into the pit of natures.
٦. وَما أَسَفي أَنّي أَموتُ وَإِنَّما
حِذارِيَ أَن تُرمى بِلُؤمِ الطَبائِعِ