
Paradise and hell in his cheeks

الجنة والجحيم في وجنته

1. Paradise and hell in his cheeks
With its rapture

١. الجَنَّةُ وَالجَحِيم فِي وَجنَتِه
مَع بَهجَتِه

2. And magic with darkness in his eyelashes
With its charm

٢. وَالسِّحرُ مَعَ السَّوَاد فِي مُقَلَتِه
مَع لَفتَتِه

3. Everyone who saw him says in seeing him
With wonder

٣. كُلّ مَن عَاينهُ يقول فِي رُؤيَتِه
مَع دَهشَتِه

4. This is a fawn who escaped from bliss
The wings of dusk

٤. هذا رَشَا قَد فَرّ مِن رضوَان
جُنحَ الغَسَقِ

5. If he was generous to the hearts of the thirsty
He would soothe my burning

٥. لَوجَاد علَى فُوَادِ الظَّمان
أطَفَا حُرقي

6. A full moon whose buds appeared, so the cosmos
Became my angel

٦. بَدرٌ أزرَارُه تَبدّت فَلَكَا
رًوحِي مَلَكَا

7. His eyes from bashfulness glanced for a moment and narrated

٧. عَينَاهُ مِنَ المَهَاة لَحظاً فَتَكَا
وَالخَالَ حَكَا

8. Musk holding on to lilies
The soft fragrance

٨. مِسكٌ مُستمسِك عَلَى سَوسَان
غضّ العَبَقِ

9. Gifting like a breeze from the gardens of bliss
To the smeller

٩. يَهدِي كَنَسِيم جَنَّةِ الرّضوَان

10. I live and die in his love again and again
My soul blocked

١٠. أحيَا وَأمُوت فِي هَوَاه كَمَدَا
رُوحِي كَسَدَا

11. I swore I will never ever leave him
My patience ran out

١١. أقسَمت فَلا أحِدَا عَنهُ أَبَدَا
صَبرِي نَفَدَا

12. He who died craving his love, happy
With no regrets

١٢. مَن مَاتَ جَوَى فِي حُبِّهَ سَعُدَا
مِن غَيرِردَا

13. How much I hide doesn't benefit me but increased
My burning

١٣. كَم أكتُمُ لاَ يُفيدُني كِثمان
زًَادَت حُرَقِي

14. He who craves the dark-lipped deserves
To have his neck struck

١٤. يًستَأهِل مَن يَهِيم بالسَّلوَان
ضَربَ العُنُقِ

15. He who plucked his cheek with the rose
After picking

١٥. مَن نَسَّقَ خَدّه بِوَردِ الأَنف
بَعد القَطفِ

16. And embroidered it with a affectionate conversation
Numbered the pages

١٦. وَطَرّزَه بِسَالِفٍ مُتَعَطِّف
رقم الصُّحُف

17. And the pearls became like seashells in his mouth
That grew in

١٧. وَالدّرّ غَدَا بِثَغرِه كَالصُّدَفِ
قَد أُنبِتَ فِي

18. The meadow, how much it was adorned with coral
Watered with honey

١٨. مَرجِ كَم زَانَهُ مِنَ المَرجَان
بِالشَّهدِ سُقِي

19. If he was generous to the hearts of the thirsty
He would soothe my burning

١٩. لَو جَادَ عَلَى فُؤَاد الظَّمانِ
لَطَفَا حُرَقِي