
He revealed what was in my heart though it filled the sky,

صرح بما عندي ولو ملأ الفضا

1. He revealed what was in my heart though it filled the sky,
I have nothing to do with hints from one who turned away.

١. صَرَّحَ بِما عِندي وَلَو مَلَأَ الفَضا
ما لي وَلِلتَعريضِ فيمَن أَعرَضا

2. I have a roaring lion that struck down the black lions with a blow,
The expert archer shot his arrows at it as it turned away.

٢. لي شادِنٌ صادَ الأُسودَ بِمُقلَةٍ
أَلقى الكَمِيُّ لَها الذَوابِلَ مُعرِضا

3. A branch whose roots are hearts and a star whose tears alone
Are its setting, pouring out.

٣. غُصنٌ مَنابِتُهُ القُلوبُ وَكَوكَبٌ
ما نوءُهُ إِلّا المَدامِعُ فُيَّضا

4. My night after him is not long, rather my watcher's eye
Comes at dawn but does not see it white.

٤. ما طالَ لَيلي بَعدَهُ بَل ناظِري
يَأتي الصَباحُ فَلا يَراهُ أَبيَضا

5. I cry while he laughs, pleased at my youth,
For youth reaps anger from such pleasure.

٥. أَبكي وَيَضحَكُ راضِياً بِصَبابَتي
فَالصَبُّ يَجني السُخطَ مِن ذاكَ الرِضا

6. Let not my breath meet your lips, it is
A chill, which I fear on embers of anger.

٦. لا تَلقَ أَنفاسي بِثَغرِكَ إِنَّهُ
بَرَدٌ أَخافُ عَلَيهِ مِن جَمرِ الغَضا

7. Fate has flown but my love was cut into
The ribs' enclosure, too weak to stand.

٧. طارَ الكَرى لَكِنَّ وَجدي قُصَّ في
وَكرِ الضُلوعِ فَلَم يُطِق أَن يَنهَضا

8. I incline toward Moses' stories and his people
Seeking your mention among them, and hints.

٨. أَصبو إِلى قِصَصِ الكَليمِ وَقَومِهِ
قَصداً لِذِكرِكَ عِندَها وَتَعَرُّضا

9. I complain to the tearful, dark eyes, though it is folly's straying
For a goal to complain to an arrow flown.

٩. أَشكو إِلى الحَدَقِ المِراضِ وَضَلَّةٌ
أَن يَشتَكي هَدَفٌ إِلى سَهمٍ مَضى

10. My glance drew this torment on my tortured heart,
Like Moses' glance, and the decree of fate.

١٠. بَلوى عَلى القَلبِ المُعَذَّبِ جَرَّها
لَحظي الظَلومُ وَلَحظُ موسى وَالقَضا