1. I was struck dumb though I confided to Moses my inner thoughts,
And the mount of patience crumbled from the agony of his absence.
١. صُعِقتُ وَقَد ناجَيتُ موسى بِخاطِري
وَأَصبَحَ طورُ الصَبرِ مِن هَجرِهِ دَكّا
2. They said, “Ask after him, or get over him and love another.”
After guidance, could I be content with ingratitude or polytheism?
٢. وَقالوا اِسلُ عَنهُ أَو تَبَدَّل بِهِ هَوىً
أَبَعدَ الهُدى أَرضى الجُحودَ أَو الشِركا
3. I disdained that such beauty should abandon the beautiful.
So I wove from my tears and my verse a necklace of pearls.
٣. أَنِفتُ لِذاكَ الحُسنِ أَن يَهجُرَ الحَلى
فَنَظَّمتُ مِن شِعري وَمِن أَدمُعي سِلكا
4. The mole ran musk in the camphor of your cheek,
And its fragrant morning breeze breathed life into my passions.
٤. جَرى الخالُ في كافورِ خَدَّكَ مِسكَةً
فَنَمَّ بِأَشواقي نُسَيِّمُها الأَذكى
5. So grant me, gazelle, some musk from that mole, for I
Am wont to expect musk from musk pods, nothing less.
٥. فَجُد لي بِمِسكِ الخالِ يا ظَبيُ إِنَّني
عَهِدتُ ظِباءَ المِسكِ لا تَخزَنُ المِسكا