
Is there no justice in your affairs when you judge?

أما لك في أمري إلى العدل مصرف

1. Is there no justice in your affairs when you judge?
You ruled but gave neither justice nor fairness.

١. أَما لَكَ في أَمري إِلى العَدلِ مَصرَفٌ
حَكَمتَ فَما أُعطيتَ عَدلاً وَلا صَرفا

2. He says, do I complain of your disinterest and aloofness,
And your distance, when you are the moon, the branch, and the pillow?

٢. يَقولُ أَتَشكو المَيلَ مِنّي وَنَفرَتي
وَبُعدي أَلَستُ البَدَرَ وَالغُصنَ وَالخِشفا

3. My soul yearns for the virtuous one though he wrongs me,
My kinsman fills volumes with his misspelling.

٣. تَحِنُّ إِلى الخَيرِيِّ نَفسي وَيَغتَدي
نَسيبِيَ في تَصحيفِهِِ يَمَلأُ الصُحفا

4. I only stay up late to see if my beloved
Will gratify me with his fragrance at dawn.

٤. وَما أَسهَرُ الظَلماءَ إِلّا لَعَلَّهُ
يُنَشِّقُني الخَيرِيُّ مِن نَشرِهِ عَرفا

5. It seems my image shows no other but him,
And none who knows me realizes I differ from his name by a letter.

٥. كَأَنَّ خَيالي لَيسَ يُظهِرُ غَيرَهُ
وَلا مُنصِفي يَدري خِلافَ اِسمِهِ حَرفا

6. He is represented to me in everything I see,
And if asked, I answer them with his name.

٦. يُمَثَّلُ لي في كُلِّ شَيءٍ رَأَيتُهُ
وَإِن سَأَلوا جاوَبتُهُم بِاِسمِهِ عُرفا

7. If not for my shyness and reverence for his status,
I would kiss his shoes in spite of those who blame.

٧. وَلَولا حَيائي وَاِتِّقاءُ مَحَلَّهُ
لَقَبَّلتُ نَعلَيهِ بِرَغمِ العِدا أَلفا

8. I interpreted his humility as modesty,
And called his lack of self-protection, refinement.

٨. تَأَوَّلتُ فيهِ الذُلَّ قُلتُ تَواضُعٌ
وَحَسَّنتُ تَركَ الصَونِ سَمَّيتُهُ ظَرفا

9. If only I knew who at the end of praising
And who he is in the Revelation before the one who fulfilled.

٩. أَلا لَيتَ شِعري مَن بِآخِرِ سَبِّحِ
وَمَن هُوَ في التَنزيلِ قَبلَ الَّذي وَفّى