1. You strove to pave the way to Homs though far,
And deemed its end as naught but utter loss.
١. جاهَدتَ في تَمهيدِ حِمصٍ راحِلاً
عَنها وَزِنتَ فِنائَها فِناءَها
2. You shone out like a star along its ridge,
Then fled its heat, though armored and secure.
٢. كَالنَجمِ حَلَّ مُحَسِّناً في أُفقِهِ
واِنقَضَّ مِنهُ حامِياً وَمُحَصَّنا
3. A sword, kept sheathed, can serve as ornament;
Unsheathed, it shields you with unfailing might.
٣. كَالسَيفِ أَغمِدهُ يَكُن لَكَ حِليَةً
أَو لا فَجَرِّدهُ يَكُن لَكَ مَأمَنا
4. Each verse within the ode was as a room
Embellished by the one where it was housed.
٤. كَالبَيتِ كانَ مِنَ القَصيدَةِ بَيتَها
واِزدادَ حُسناً حينَ جاءَ مُضَمَّنا
5. You came to a land laboring under drought
With rains of grace and left with thanks undone.
٥. كَالغَيثِ في البَلَدِ المُحيلِ أَتى عَلى
حُسنِ الدُعاءِ وَسارَ عَن حُسنِ الثَنا
6. You went from land to land in dedication,
A sunlit lamp alight in every clime.
٦. وَلَقَد تَهادَتكَ البِلادُ فَأَنتَ رَي
حانٌ هُناكَ وَأَنتَ نُوّارٌ هُنا
7. Blessed the folk you aided to ascend
As stars uncounted stud the vault of night.
٧. باراكَ قَومٌ في العُلا وَلِعِلَّةٍ
عَزَّ الجُمانُ إِذا الَحَصى لا يُقتَنى
8. The channel and its banks match stroke for stroke
Till warriors fear to strike a blow in war.
٨. زُجُّ القَناةِ مُشابِهٌ لِسِنانِها
حَتّى يَهُمَّ مُحارِبٌ أَن يُطعَنا
9. Leave be who vie with you in singing's art,
A mute contending with a maestro's gift.
٩. دَع مَن يُنازِعُكَ الغَناءَ فَإِنَّهُ
خَرِسٌ يُنازِعُ مَعبَداً حُسنَ الغِنا