1. Turn away from the creation to the Creator
Both truths and lies are closed to the liar
١. إِغنَ عَنِ المَخلوقِ بِالخالِقِ
تَسُدُّ عَلى الكاذِبِ وَالصادِقِ
2. And seek your provision from the Merciful out of His bounty
For none but Allah provides the provision
٢. وَاِستَرزِقِ الرَحمَنَ مِن فَضلِهِ
فَلَيسَ غَير اللَهِ مِن رازِقِ
3. Whoever thinks people will suffice him
Has no consciousness of the Merciful, the Observant
٣. مَن ظَنَّ أَنَّ الناسَ يغنونَهُ
فَلَيسَ بِالرَحمَنِ بِالرائِقِ
4. Or thinks his money is from his own earning
Slips have both his sandals from the cobbler
٤. أَو ظَنَّ أَنَّ المالَ مِن كَسبِهِ
زَلَّت بِهِ النَعلان مِن حالِقِ