
For his pomp has now become vanity,

فإن سدوره أمسى غرورا

1. For his pomp has now become vanity,
And the shadows of departure have descended upon him.

١. فَإِنَّ سُدورَهُ أَمسى غُروراً
وَحَلَّ بِهِ مُلِمّاتُ الزَوالِ

2. He has been stripped of the clothes he wore,
And clothed in raiments of transition.

٢. وَعُرّي عَن ثِيابٍ كانَ فيها
وَأُلبِسَ بَعد أَثوابَ اِنتِقالِ

3. After riding horses aimlessly,
He is led between the necks of men,

٣. وَبَعدَ رُكوبِهِ الأَفراسَ تيهاً
يُهادى بَينَ أَعناقِ الرِجالِ

4. To a grave he will be left in alone,
Avoided by kin and comrades.

٤. إِلى قَبرٍ يُغادَرُ فيهِ فَرداً
نَأى مِنهُ الأَقارِبُ وَالمَوالي

5. He has parted from his inheritor and turned away,
And the glory of status did not veil him.

٥. تَخَلّى عَن مُوَرِّثِهِ وَوَلّى
وَلَم تحجِبهُ مَأثَرَةُ المَعالي