
Soon to be moved from ornate palaces

يحول عن قريب من قصور

1. Soon to be moved from ornate palaces
To a house of dust and soil.

١. يُحَوَّلُ عَن قَريبٍ مِن قُصورٍ
مُزَخرَفَةٍ إِلى بَيتِ التُرابِ

2. Abandoned and alone he shall be laid to rest,
Enveloped in the gloom of estrangement.

٢. فَيُسلَمَ فيهِ مَهجوراً فَريداً
أَحاطَ بِهِ شُحوبُ الإِغتِرابِ

3. The horror of the reckoning is the most dreadful thing,
When man is called to account before his Lord.

٣. وَهَولُ الحَشرِ أَفظَعُ كُلِّ أَمرٍ
إِذا دُعِيَ اِبنُ آدَمَ لِلحِسابِ

4. He finds each righteous deed that he performed,
And every sin that he committed, in the Book.

٤. وَأَلفى كُلَّ صالِحَةٍ أَتاها
وَسَيِّئَةٍ جَناها في الكِتابِ

5. The time has come for wisdom and provision,
If we possess any reason,

٥. لَقَد آنَ التَزَوُّدُ إِن عَقِلنا
وَأَخذُ الحَظِّ مِن باقي الشَبابِ