
Its terror is great, and people in it

عظيم هوله والناس فيه

1. Its terror is great, and people in it
Are confused like scattered butterflies

١. عَظيمٌ هَولُهُ وَالناسُ فيهِ
حَيارى مِثلَ مَبثوثِ الفَراشِ

2. In it, faces change color in fear
And robes flutter in trembling

٢. بِهِ تَتَغَيَّرُ الأَلوانُ خَوفاً
وَتَصطَكُّ الفَرائِصُ بِاِرتِعاشِ

3. There, all you have done becomes clear
Your fault exposed and secret scattered

٣. هُنالِكَ كُلُّ ما قَدَّمتَ يَبدو
فَعَيبُكَ ظاهِرٌ وَالسِرُّ فاشِ

4. Examine the faults of your soul every day
For seeking livelihood has destroyed it

٤. تَفَقَّد نَقصَ نَفسِكَ كُلَّ يَومٍ
فَقَد أَودى بِها طَلَبُ المَعاشِ

5. Why do you not seek desires for a while
And for a while acquire fine garments

٥. أَلا لِم تَبتَغي الشَهَواتِ طَوراً
وَطَوراً تَكتَسي لينَ الرِياشِ