1. He is the One God, there is no god but He
Merciful to all creation, full of bounty
١. إِلَهٌ لا إِلَهَ لَنا سِواهُ
رَؤوفٌ بِالبَرِيَّةِ ذو اِمتِنانِ
2. I profess His oneness with devotion and praise
With my conscience and tongue I give thanks
٢. أُوَحِّدُهُ بِإِخلاصٍ وَحَمدٍ
وَشُكرٍ بِالضَميرِ وَبِاللِسانِ
3. I wasted my life, did not safeguard it
Inclined towards idleness and procrastination
٣. وَأَفنَيتُ الحَياةَ وَلَم أَصُنها
وَزُغتُ إِلى البَطالَةِ وَالتَواني
4. I ask for His pleasure, though I have wronged myself
Seeking vain desires that offer no safety
٤. وَأَسأَلُهُ الرِضا عَنّي فَإِنّي
ظَلَمتُ النَفسَ في طَلَبِ الأَماني
5. To Him I repent of my sins, ignorance
Excess, rebellion, throwing off the reins
٥. إِلَيهِ أَتوبُ مِن ذَنبي وَجَهلي
وَإِسرافي وَخَلعي لِلعنانِ