
He is the One God, there is no god but He

إله لا إله لنا سواه

1. He is the One God, there is no god but He
Merciful to all creation, full of bounty

١. إِلَهٌ لا إِلَهَ لَنا سِواهُ
رَؤوفٌ بِالبَرِيَّةِ ذو اِمتِنانِ

2. I profess His oneness with devotion and praise
With my conscience and tongue I give thanks

٢. أُوَحِّدُهُ بِإِخلاصٍ وَحَمدٍ
وَشُكرٍ بِالضَميرِ وَبِاللِسانِ

3. I wasted my life, did not safeguard it
Inclined towards idleness and procrastination

٣. وَأَفنَيتُ الحَياةَ وَلَم أَصُنها
وَزُغتُ إِلى البَطالَةِ وَالتَواني

4. I ask for His pleasure, though I have wronged myself
Seeking vain desires that offer no safety

٤. وَأَسأَلُهُ الرِضا عَنّي فَإِنّي
ظَلَمتُ النَفسَ في طَلَبِ الأَماني

5. To Him I repent of my sins, ignorance
Excess, rebellion, throwing off the reins

٥. إِلَيهِ أَتوبُ مِن ذَنبي وَجَهلي
وَإِسرافي وَخَلعي لِلعنانِ