
You treat every illness with medicine

تعالج بالتطبب كل داء

1. You treat every illness with medicine
Yet for the illness of your sin there is no cure

١. تُعالِجُ بِالتَطَبُّبِ كُلَّ داءٍ
وَلَيسَ لِداءِ ذَنبِكَ مِن عِلاجِ

2. Except sincere pleading to the Merciful
With the intention of one fearful and certain of need

٢. سِوى ضَرَعٍ إِلى الرَحمَنِ مَحضٍ
بِنِيَّةِ خائِفٍ وَيَقينِ راجِ

3. And long vigils begging forgiveness
In the dark night's concealing veil

٣. وَطولِ تَهَجُّدٍ بِطِلابِ عَفوٍ
بِلَيلٍ مُدلَهِمِّ السِترِ داجِ

4. And showing remorse at every moment
For what crookedness you were in

٤. وَإِظهارِ النَدامَةِ كُلَّ وَقتٍ
عَلى ما كُنتَ فيهِ مِنَ اِعوِجاجِ

5. Perhaps tomorrow you will be great
With the attainment of one triumphant and joyous intimate

٥. لَعَلَّكَ أَن تَكونَ غَداً عَظيماً
بِبُلغَةِ فائِزٍ مَسرور ناجِ