1. The end of everything we are in
Is from a dense gathering to scattering
١. فَعُقبى كُلِّ شَيءٍ نَحنُ فيهِ
مِنَ الجَمعِ الكَثيفِ إِلى شَتاتِ
2. And our sadness over settlement and deprivation
Is distributed among the sons and daughters
٢. وَما حُزناهُ مِن حلٍّ وَحُرمٍ
يُوَزَّعُ في البَنينِ وَفي البَناتِ
3. And those we did not prepare with money
Or the value of a seed before death
٣. وَفيمَن لَم نُؤَهِّلهُم بِفلسٍ
وَقيمَةِ حَبَّةٍ قَبلَ المَماتِ
4. And the loved ones forget us after ten years
When we have become decaying bones
٤. وَتَنسانا الأَحِبَّةُ بَعدَ عَشرٍ
وَقَد صِرنا عِظاماً بالِياتِ
5. As if we did not live with them in affection
Or have an intimate friend among them
٥. كَأَنّا لَم نُعاشِرهُم بِوُدٍّ
وَلَم يَكُ فيهِمُ خِلٌّ مُؤاتِ