1. No day passed more dire for him than the day of trial,
Though the Day of Reckoning will be more dreadful in its horrors,
١. وَلَم يَمرُر بِهِ يَومٌ فَظيعٌ
أَشَدُّ عَلَيهِ مِن يَومِ الحِمامِ
2. When all creatures will stand at their places,
Many an oppressor will remain abject,
٢. وَيَومُ الحَشرِ أَفظَعُ مِنهُ هَولاً
إِذا وَقَفَ الخَلائِقُ بِالمَقامِ
3. While the oppressed will stand ready for contention,
And people who were destitute in the world,
٣. فَكَم مِن ظالِمٍ يَبقى ذَليلاً
وَمَظلومٍ تَشَمَّرَ لِلخِصامِ
4. Will take their places among the honored nobles.
But God's pardon is greater than all things,
٤. وَشَخصٍ كانَ في الدُنيا فَقيراً
تَبَوَّأَ مَنزِلَ النُجبِ الكِرامِ
5. Exalted is God, Creator of mankind.
٥. وَعَفوُ اللَهِ أَوسَعُ كُلّ شَيءٍ
تَعالى اللَهُ خَلّاقُ الأَنامِ