
When a man betrays his soul

إذا الإنسان خان النفس منه

1. When a man betrays his soul
What can he expect from one who strives to preserve?

١. إِذا الإِنسانُ خانَ النَفسَ مِنهُ
فَما يَرجوهُ راجٍ لِلحِفاظِ

2. No piety in him, nor loyalty
Nor heeding admonition

٢. وَلا وَرَعٌ لَدَيهِ وَلا وَفاءٌ
وَلا الإِصغاءُ نَحوَ الإِتِّعاظِ

3. A young man's asceticism is not from shaving his head
Nor from wearing coarse garments

٣. وَما زُهدُ الفَتى بِحَلقِ رَأسٍ
وَلا بِلِباسِ أَثوابٍ غِلاظِ

4. But in guidance, in word and deed
And persisting to lower his gaze

٤. وَلَكِن بِالهُدى قَولاً وَفِعلاً
وَإِدمان التَجَشُّعِ في اللِحاظِ

5. And doing what saves and enriches
With moderation, and fleeing from excesses

٥. وَإِعمالِ الَّذي يُنجي وَيُنمي
بِوُسعٍ وَالفِرارُ مِنَ الشواظِ