
They said brass was an example of a human

قالوا النحاس مثاله بشر

1. They said brass was an example of a human
A living soul, spirit, and body

١. قالوا النحاس مثاله بشر
نفس وروح حية وجسد

2. And they wanted to create a medicine on
This true example, everyone thought

٢. وأراد تدبير الدواء على
هذا المثال الحق كل أحد

3. And they were confused and did not know
The way, though the way was new

٣. وتبلّدوا فيها وما عرفوا
كيف الطريق والطريق جدد

4. They gathered strange things from their natures
To bury or crush and destroy by hand

٤. جمعوا الغرائب من طبائعهم
بالدفن أو بالسحق تسحق يد

5. Until when they concocted their medicine
They cast their medicine upon it, and it spoiled

٥. حتى إذا سبكوا دواءهم
طرحوا عليه دواءهم ففسد

6. It took on no dye they hoped for, nor
Upon the fire of melting, any firmness

٦. لا منه صبغ أمّلوه ولا
فيه على نار السبوك جلد

7. And if they had gathered strange things in
Management, the seeker would have succeeded and found

٧. ولو أنهم جمعوا الغرائب في ال
تدبير انجح طالب ووجد

8. Or did they not see our wise ones gathered
Between strange things a ratio and birth

٨. أو ما رأوا حكماءنا جمعوا
بين الغرائب نسبة وولد

9. They made its lows its highs
So that the descending might climb and ascend

٩. جعلوا أسافلها أعاليها
حتى ترقّى هابط وصعد

10. And the thick body was refreshed with the
Infusions and the temperament was restored

١٠. وتَرَوَّحَ الجسد الغليظ بمي
قات وتمت للمزاج مدد

11. And the subtle spirit was embodied in this
Solution, it met with that and that knotted

١١. وتَجَسَّدَ الروح اللطيف به
ذا حَلَّ مالاقى وذاك عقد

12. Until when their females dissolved
In the sea, the embryo stood and sat

١٢. حتى إذا تجت إناثهُم
في البحر قام جنينها وقعد

13. And time passed over it, then it brought forth
From that union, good children

١٣. ومضى عليها مدة فنشا
من ذلك التزويج خير ولد