
Some people were not aware

من الناس من لم يكن عارفا

1. Some people were not aware
Of the secret of the path and its states,

١. من الناس من لم يكن عارفاً
بسر الطريق وأحواله

2. So when they undertook that path
Some of its horrors confronted them.

٢. فلما توسّطَ ذاك الطريقَ
عارضه بعضُ أهواله

3. Had they known what made it confusing
With its colors or shapes,

٣. ولو كان يعرف ما خلطُه
بألوانه أو بأشكاله

4. And had experience with the remedy,
Its composition and administration,

٤. وكان له خبرة بالدواء
وانعقاده ويجراله

5. And how to manage it with dew
And sunlight, intent on its actions,

٥. وكيف يدبّره بالندى
وبالشمس ضناً بأفعاله

6. Knowledgeable about the days of its management,
Its months or states,

٦. عليما بأيام تدبيره
بأشهره أو بأحواله

7. And its whitening like its reddening,
Do not neglect its neglect,

٧. وتبييضُه مثل تحميره
ولا تغفلنَّ بإغفاله

8. And do not despair due to the length of time,
For patience is the key to its locks.

٨. ولا تضجرنَّ بطول الزمان
فالصبرُ مفتاحُ أقفاله