
We have a nature that does not tolerate treachery as a companion

لنا شيمة لا ترتضي الغدر صاحبا

1. We have a nature that does not tolerate treachery as a companion,
And a sign to the days that does not accept disgrace.

١. لنا شيمةٌ لا ترتضي الغدرَ صاحباً
وآيٌ على الأيامِ لا تقبل الوهْنَا

2. If we take a companion, we do not repay him
With evil, and we think well of his deeds.

٢. إِذا ما تخذنا صاحباً لم نُجازِهِ
بسوءٍ وأحسنَّا بأفعالِه الظَنَّا

3. Whoever's loyalty the days diminish somewhat,
We remain as we were regarding the old pact.

٣. فمن تُنقصُ الأيامُ مِرَّةَ عهدِهِ
فإنَّا على العهدِ القديم كما كُنَّا

4. No bargained deal in affection is ever lost
By one who counts the befriending of brothers a loss.

٤. وما رَبِحتْ في الودِّ صفقةُ كَارهٍ
مجاملةَ الإخوانِ يعتدُّها غبنا

5. Why do you blame and do evil to us?
You blamed and we blamed, you betrayed yet we did not.

٥. إلامَ التجنِّي والإساءةُ منكمُ
عتبتمْ وأعتَبْنَا وخُنْتُم وما خُنَّا

6. If you judge us fairly in the matter you will testify
That what we have brought resembles the best.

٦. فإن تُنصِفُونَا في القضيّةِ تشهدوا
بأن الذي جِئناهُ أشبَهُ بالحُسْنَى

7. If you return so do we, and if you profess
To have no need for affection, we need your love less.

٧. فإنْ عُدْتُمُ عُدْنَا وإن تُظهروا الغِنى
عن الودِّ كنَّا عن وِدادكمُ أغنَى

8. For worthless baubles may be honored and though overpriced
Increase in cost, be discarded and done without.

٨. فقد يُكرَمُ العِلْقُ الرخيصُ وإن غَلا
وزاد غَلاءً يُسْلَ عنه ويُستغنى