
He faced the departure of the whole tribe

تصدى وللحي الجميع رحيل

1. He faced the departure of the whole tribe
A gazelle, with the most beautiful eyes like kohl

١. تصدَّى وللحي الجميعِ رحيلُ
غزالٌ أحمُّ المقلتينِ كحيلُ

2. He faced and the matter of separation has intensified
The camels were loaded and the burdens were lightened

٢. تصدَّى وأمرُ البينِ قد جَدَّ جِدُّهُ
وزُمّتْ جِمالٌ واستقَلَّ حُمولُ

3. In his chest a blazing fire of youth
And tears flowing down his cheeks

٣. وفي الصدرِ من نار الصَّبَابةِ جاحِمٌ
وفي الخدِّ من ماءِ الجُفونِ مسيلُ

4. A gazelle who has a pasture in the heart that is fertile
And shade that covers both his sides, shady and cool

٤. غزالٌ له مرعىً من القلب مخصبٌ
وظِلٌّ صفيقُ الجانبين ظليلُ

5. Beauty is distributed in him, his body is delicate
And his waist is slender

٥. تناصفَ فيه الحُسْنُ أما قَوامُهُ
فشطبٌ وأما خَصْرُه ففتيلُ

6. Close to the onlookers, his nearness raises hope
But the lover has no way to reach him

٦. قريبٌ من الرائينَ يُطْمِعُ قُربُه
وليس إليه للمحبِّ سبيلُ

7. When glances travel across his cheeks
Eyes are dazzled by him and he is sleepy

٧. إِذا سافرَ الألحاظُ في وجَناتِه
تضاءلَ عنه الطرفُ وهو كليلُ

8. Like the sun covering the eyes with its light
But hands cannot reach it

٨. وكالشمسِ تغشى الناظرينَ بنورِها
وليس إليها للأكُفِّ سَبيلُ

9. And when the tribe departed, and they were devastated by its loss
The quick camels intended to leave without farewell

٩. ولما استقلَّ الحيُّ وانصدعت بهم
نوىً عن وَداع الظاعنينَ عَجُولُ

10. The faces of the clouds appeared to us like lightning
With brightness and acceptance on them

١٠. تراءتْ لنا لمعَ الغمامةِ أوجهٌ
وِضَاءٌ علَتْها نَضْرةٌ وقَبُولُ

11. So be patient my lord if a misfortune befalls
For the outcome of beautiful patience is beautiful

١١. فصبراً معينَ المُلك إن عنَّ حادثٌ
فعاقبةُ الصبرِ الجميلِ جميلُ

12. And do not despair of your Lord's work, surely
I am certain that God will provide comfort

١٢. ولا تيأسَنْ من صنْعِ ربِّكَ إنَّني
ضمينٌ بأنَّ اللّهَ سوف يُدِيلُ

13. For nights, when their bliss passes away
Bring good news that sorrows pass away

١٣. فإن الليالي إذ يزولُ نعيمُها
تبشِّرُ أنَّ النائباتِ تزولُ

14. Have you not seen that the night after its darkness
The dawn lights guide towards its departure

١٤. ألم ترَ أنَّ الليلَ بعدَ ظلامِه
عليه لإِسفارِ الصَّبَاحِ دليلُ

15. Have you not seen that the sun after its eclipse
Has a surface that covers the eyes bright and clear

١٥. ألم ترَ أن الشمسَ بعد كُسوفِها
لها صفحةٌ تغشِي العُيونَ صقيلُ

16. That the slender crescent after appearing
Bent and weak, becomes round and beams

١٦. وأنَّ الهلالَ النِضْوَ يقمرُ بعدَما
بَدا وهو شَخْتُ الجانبينِ ضَئِيلُ

17. Think not that the tall palm is uprooted
Whenever the morning breeze blows by it and it sways

١٧. ولا تحسبنَّ الدوح يُقلَعُ كلما
يَمُرُّ به نفحُ الصَّبَا فيميلُ

18. Think not that the sword is broken whenever
Rust afflicts it after it was sharp

١٨. ولا تحسبنَّ السيفَ يُقْضَبُ كلَّما
تعاوَرهُ بعد المَضَاءِ كُلولُ

19. For time may gently rein its stubbornness
Healing the sick or comforting the anguished

١٩. فقد يعطفُ الدهرُ الأبيُّ عِنانَهُ
فيُشفَى عليلٌ أو يُبَلُّ غليلُ

20. And the winged one whose wings were clipped may fly again after
Losing some feathers in its flight

٢٠. ويرتاشُ مقصوصُ الجَناحين بعدَما
تساقطَ رِيشٌ واستطارَ نَسِيلُ

21. And the stricken branch may flourish again
Leafing out after withering and loss

٢١. ويستأنفُ الغصنُ الصليبُ نَضَارةً
فيورقُ ما لم يعتوِرْهُ ذُبُولُ

22. The star has regularity after its return
And the fortune has consistency after its departure

٢٢. وللنجمِ من بعدِ الرجوعِ استقامةٌ
وللحظِّ من بعد الذِّهابِ قفُولُ

23. And some tribulations, their occurrence calls for thanks
Events of time have both maturity and immaturity

٢٣. وبعضُ الرزايا يوجِبُ الشكرَ وقعُها
عليكَ وأحداثُ الزمانِ شُكولُ

24. No wonder days have betrayed me, for
Great ones are tested with great trials

٢٤. ولا غروَ أن أخنتْ عليك فإنَّما
يُصادَمُ بالخطبِ الجليل جليلُ

25. What canal did not suffer the bending of its arches?
What sword was not afflicted by nicks?

٢٥. وأيُّ قَناةٍ لم تُرنَّحْ كُعُوبُها
وأيُّ حُسامٍ لم يُصِبْهُ فُلولُ

26. What crescent was not worn down by its curve?
What shooting star was not failed by its decline?

٢٦. وأيُّ هِلال لم يَشِنْهُ مَحَاقُهُ
وأيُ شهابٍ لم يَخُنْه أُفولُ

27. Days have treated me badly until they broke their cords
But in you are melodies for them and rewards

٢٧. أساءتْ ليَ الأيامُ حتى وترتَها
فعندَك أضغانٌ لها وتُبولُ

28. I resisted them in what they intended by their twists and turns
Were it not for you, they would wander and rage

٢٨. وعارضتها فيما أرادتْ صروفُها
ولولاكَ كانت تنتَحِي وتصولُ

29. You made unlawful the fragments of generosity, though
The generous are wont to devour fragments

٢٩. وحرّمتَ أشلاءَ الكِرامِ وإنَّها
شروبٌ لأشلاءِ الكرامِ أكولُ

30. You are but the sword rested in its sheath
So the tribe may be miserable with it on the day of fighting

٣٠. وما أنتَ إلا السيفُ أُسكِنَ غِمْدَهُ
لتشقَى به يومَ النزالِ قَبيلُ

31. Do you not have Joseph as an example?
Bearing the weight of fate though it is heavy

٣١. أما لكَ بالصِدِّيق يوسفَ أُسْوَةٌ
فتحملَ وطءَ الدهرِ وهو ثقيلُ

32. Imprisonment has not lessened you, and mention of you flows
Unbound, tilting to the horizons

٣٢. وما غضَّ منك الحبسُ والذِكرُ سائرٌ
طليقٌ له في الخافقينَ ذَمِيلُ

33. So do not give in to worries, though their weight depresses you
For the likes of you carries momentous matters

٣٣. فلا تُذْعِنَنْ للخطبِ آدكَ ثِقلُهُ
فمِثلُكَ للأمرِ العظيم حَمُولُ

34. And do not be anxious about shackles that have bound you
For the fetters of men are necklaces

٣٤. ولا تجزعَنْ للكَبْلِ مسَّكَ وقْعُهُ
فإنَّ خلاخيلَ الرِجالِ كُبُولُ

35. The nights make up for what their arrows have missed you
Though they were ungenerous with people

٣٥. وصنعُ الليالي ما عدتكَ سِهامُها
وإنْ أجحفتْ بالعالمين جزيلُ

36. A man whom events wear down his honor
And despairs of what befalls him is mean

٣٦. وإنَّ امرأً تعدو الحوادثُ عِرضَهُ
ويأسى لما يأخُذْنَهُ لبخيلُ

37. God is your keeper wherever you are, visiting you
His hands not far from you, guest and neighbor

٣٧. لك اللّهُ راعٍ حيثُ كنتَ ولا تزلْ
أياديهِ منها زائرٌ ونزيلُ

38. Days have not disgraced you, but your stay in them
Is an honor and virtue

٣٨. ولا شِينتِ الدّنيا بيومكَ إنَّما
بقاؤك فيها غُرَّةٌ وحُجُولُ

39. You have neither died nor has your fortune declined
While the fortune of enemies is misfortune and wailing

٣٩. ولا متُّ أو ألقاكَ حظُّكُ دولةٌ
وحظُّ الأعادي رنَّةٌ وعويلُ

40. The bliss of a life of exile has pleasures in it
And the dignity of a life of sorrow has ease

٤٠. نعيمُ هجيرِ العمرِ فيه أصائِلٌ
وعزُّ حُزونِ العيشِ فيه سُهولُ