1. A cloud that did not fail us
Of desire and of awe
١. ساريةٌ لم تُخْلِنَا
من رَغَبٍ ومن رَهَبْ
2. Its dripping and lightning
Is water of life and flame
٢. فودْقُها وبَرْقُها
ماءُ حياةٍ ولَهَبْ
3. Its dripping is silver
White, and its lightning is gold
٣. والوَدْقُ منها فِضَّةٌ
بيضاءُ والبَرْقُ ذَهَبْ
4. If the eyelid of its lightning slept
The wind woke it, so it drifted
٤. إنْ نامَ جَفْنُ برقِها
صاحَ به الريحُ فَهَبّْ
5. With it the land became
Rich from what it bestows
٥. أصبحتِ الأرضُ بها
غنيّةً مما تَهَبْ
6. So the water is wine distilled
And the water is inhaled musk
٦. فالماءُ خمرٌ تُجْتَلَى
والماءُ مسكٌ مُنْتَهَبْ