1. My fortune in writing was incomplete
In my youth, my fortune was abundant
١. قد كان حظِّي في الكتابةِ ناقصاً
أيامَ حظِّي في الشبيبةِ وافرُ
2. Until prudence ruled my thoughts
And moderation settled in and obstacles arose
٢. حتَّى إِذا خدمَ اليراعةَ خاطرِي
قعدَ الجُدودُ بها وهن عواثِرُ
3. So that perfection would be unattainable and the
Ignorant would know that Allah is the One, the Able
٣. هذا ليمتنعَ الكمالُ ويعلمَ ال
جُهَّالُ أَنَّ اللّهَ فَرْدٌ قادِرُ
4. Is it because of fairness that I am disabled
While the unjust one is intensely immersed in writing
٤. أمنَ السويَّةِ أن أكونَ معطَّلاً
ويلي الكتابةَ مستميتٌ جائِرُ
5. I complain but my complaint has no listener
And I cry out being oppressed but I have no helper
٥. أشكو وما لشكيَّتِي من سَامعٍ
وأصيحُ مضطَهداًوما لي ناصرُ
6. The days have nearly diminished their term
In merit, were it not that they are generous
٦. قد كادتِ الأيامُ تنقصُ شَرْطَها
في الفضلِ لولا أنّهنَّ غوادِرُ
7. They used to fight me while I had no helper
And today they kill me while I have no avenger
٧. كانت تقاتلُنِي وما ليَ ناصرٌ
واليومَ تقتُلنِي وما لي ثائِرُ
8. So if I go insane, it's no wonder
For this circling madman has gone insane
٨. فلئِنْ جُنِنْتُ فلا عجيبٌ أَنَّهُ
قد جُنَّ هذا المنجنونُ الدائِرُ
9. Perhaps the helper of the kingdom will shine his fortune
And a fresh livelihood will return to its flourishing abode
٩. فعَسى معينُ المُلْكِ يطْلعُ سَعْدُهُ
ويعودُ عيشٌ في ذراهُ ناضِرُ
10. For glory, it has guaranteed promises
And Allah is its helper, what an excellent helper!
١٠. للمجدِ فيه مواعِدٌ مضمونَةٌ
واللّه ناصرُهُ ونِعْمَ الناصِرُ