1. Alone in beauty I have singled him out
With love, though few his lovers are about
١. ومفردٍ بالحُسْنِ أفردْتُهُ
بالحُبِّ لمَّا قَلَّ عُشَّاقُه
2. I greeted him, while slumber bound his foes
His noble ways the lovers' hearts endow
٢. حيَّيتُه إذ نامَ عُذَّالُه
وطابَ للعُشَّاقِ أخلاقُه
3. His banner of disdain he lowers now
For I alone desired him, I avow
٣. وغضَّ من نخوتِه علمُهُ
بأنني وحديَ مُشتاقُه