
And a secret pleasure in meeting him

ومروح سري سرور لقائه

1. And a secret pleasure in meeting him
If not for the connection of his transience with his permanence

١. ومُرّوِحٍ سِرّي سرورُ لقائِه
لولا اتصالُ فنائِه ببَقَائِهِ

2. His slender figure and leanness tells of his beauty
Like the brilliance of the full moon among his attributes

٢. يحكي القضيبَ قوامُه ونحولُه
حسناً وضوءُ البدرِ من أسمائِهِ

3. He brings me joy at night with his loyalty
And grieves me at dawn with his cruelty

٣. فيسرُّنِي ليلاً بحسنِ وفائِه
ويسوؤُني صُبْحاً بقبحِ جفائِهِ

4. He complains of yearning for the intimate one and transgresses
Each justifying himself with his own hopes

٤. يشكو الحنينَ إِلى الأليفِ ويغتدِي
كُلٌّ يعلِّلُ نفسَهُ برجائِهِ

5. I cry so he cries, except that his tears
Are self-interest while mine mix with my blood

٥. أبكي فيبكي غيرَ أَنَّ دموعَه
صِرفٌ ودمعي ممزجٌ بدمائِهِ

6. I attack him with the intensity of my passion so it met
A fire that speaks of the intensity of his confusion

٦. أُعدي عليه لظَى فُؤادِي فالتقَى
نارٌ تَحَدَّثُ عن لَظَى بُرَحائِهِ

7. I'm tortured while the fire is in his torments
Like one tortured while fire is in his entrails

٧. أمعذَّبٌ والنارُ في عَذَباتِهِ
كمعذَّبٍ والنارُ في أحشائِهِ