1. The whiteness spilled upon the donkeys yet they did not steal.
Pieces of thin, fine bread and dried up crumbs,
١. صُبَّتْ على حِمْيَرٍ وما انتَهبُوا
بِيضٌ رِقاقٌ وشُزَّبٌ قُبُّ
2. Our bottles wrapped around their necks,
While the dewy rays of the sun are still moist.
٢. لُفَّتْ على حيِّهم عجاجَتُنا
والشمسُ غَضٌّ شعاعِها رَطْبُ
3. We came upon them while the sky was awake
And the earth still green, its plants still juicy and fresh,
٣. جئناهُمُ والسماءُ مُصحِيَةٌ
والأرضُ خضراءُ نبتُها القُضْبُ
4. No sooner did we turn around than their faces
Frowned, while the sun grew calm in its rage.
٤. فما انثنينا إلّا وجَوُّهُمُ
أكلفُ والشمسُ قانِئٌ غضبُ
5. None survived save an intoxicated one
Defended by instinct and heart.
٥. لم تَنْجُ منهم إلّا مخَدَّرةٌ
دافعَ عنها الرِّعاثُ والقُلبُ