1. With my own self, who comes to me and returns
And asks how I am, though he knows of my pain
١. بِنَفسِيَ مَن يَنتابُني وَيَعودُني
وَيَسأَلُ ما بي وَهوَ بِالداءِ عارِفُ
2. Returns to my pillow, blissful and content
Then leaves me restless, fretful and stiff
٢. يَعودُ وِسادي وَهوَ جَذلانُ ناعِمٌ
وَيَرجِعُ عَنّي وَهوَ أَسوانُ لاهِفُ
3. With excuses for the wrong he has done
He came torn between guilt and excuses
٣. وَمُعتَذِرٍ عَمّا جَنى بِصُدودِهِ
أَتى وَهوَ بَينَ الذَنبِ وَالعُذرِ واقِفُ
4. Wanting to apologize but shyness holds him back
What good are excuses when one is in the wrong?
٤. يُريدُ اِعتِذاراً وَالحَياءُ يَصُدُّهُ
وَهَل يَنفَعُ العُذرُ الفَتى وَهوَ تَالِفُ
5. I forgave all his coldness towards me
Though I had books filled with reproaches for him
٥. وَهَبتُ عِتابي كُلَّهُ لِجَفائِهِ
وَقَد كانَ عِندي لِلعِتابِ صَحائِفُ
6. Books of reproach whose pages brimmed with sorrow
And were titled with copious flowing tears
٦. صَحائِفُ عَتبٍ طَيُّها كامِنُ الأَسى
وَعُنوانُها فَيضٌ مِنَ الدَمعِ ذارِفُ
7. Secrets like the edges of sharp tongues, each time
One is cut by them, a new one appears, keen and slicing
٧. جَوى مِثلُ أَطرافِ الأَسِنَّةِ كُلَّما
تَصَرَّمَ مِنهُ تالِدٌ عادَ طارِفُ
8. When I say this as his wound agonizes
The salve of love flows from me, healing and staunching
٨. إِذا قُلتُ هَذا حينَ يُؤسى جِراحُهُ
أُعيدَ لَهُ مِن لاعِجِ الحُبِّ قارِفُ
9. These words cannot cure the hurt, though I try
Except the efforts of the loving beloved to dress the wound anew
٩. هُوَ الكَلمُ قَد أَعيى الأُساةَ عِلاجُهُ
فَلَيسَ لَهُ إِلّا الحَبيبُ المُساعِفُ