
I saw men seeking to do me wrong

رأيت رجالا يطلبون مساءتي

1. I saw men seeking to do me wrong
With their efforts, without fault or cause from me.

١. رأيتُ رِجالاً يطلُبونَ مساءَتِي
بجهدِهمُ من غيرِ ذَحْلٍ ولا وِتْرِ

2. No wrong had preceded from me toward them,
But they inclined against me as time went on.

٢. وما سبقتْ منِّي إليهم اساءَةٌ
ولكنّهمْ مالُوا عليَّ مع الدهرِ

3. Why did they not content themselves with time
In how it harms me? Is there not in it

٣. فهلّا اكتفَوْا بالدهرِ فيما يسوؤُني
أما فيهِ ما يَشفي الصدورَ من الغمرِ

4. That which will heal breasts of grief?
If I make peace with time, and make my affection for

٤. فانْ أَصطلِحْ والدهرَ أَجعَلْ مودَّتِي
ويُسري لمن واسَى وساعدَ في العُسْرِ