
How strange are people who envy my virtues

عجبا لقوم يحسدون فضائلي

1. How strange are people who envy my virtues
From Uttaab to Uththaal.

١. عَجباً لقومٍ يحسُدونَ فضائِلي
ما بين عُتَّابٍ إِلى عُذَّالِ

2. They blamed me for my excellence and defamed my wisdom,
And felt dejected by their flaws and my perfection.

٢. عتَبُوا على فضلي وذمُّوا حِكمتي
واستوحشوا من نقصِهم وكمالي

3. I and their plots and what they barked with
Are like the mountain that belittles the butting of lambs.

٣. إِنى وكيدَهُمُ وما نَبحُوا بهِ
كالطَوْدِ يحقرُ نطحةَ الأوعالِ

4. And when a young man knows what's right for himself
The blame of fools becomes trivial to him.

٤. وإِذا الفتَى عرفَ الرشادَ لنفسِهِ
هانتْ عليهِ ملامةُ الجُهَّالِ