
If you are a servant of the sultan do not point out

إذا كنت للسلطان خدنا فلا تشر

1. If you are a servant of the sultan do not point out
Anything that may hurt or offend your fellow man.

١. إِذا كنتَ للسُلطانِ خِدْنَاً فلا تُشِرْ
عليه بما يُؤذي به الدهرَ مسلما

2. For it is said among their proverbs that a fox
And a wolf who visited a weakened lion

٢. فقد جاء في أمثالهم أنَّ ثعلباً
وذئباً أصابا عندَ ليثٍ تقدُّمَا

3. Whose gnawing hunger left him thin of skin
Yet still possessing jaws of might and strength.

٣. أضرَّ به جُوعٌ طويلٌ فشَفَّهُ
وأبقى له جِلداً رقيقاً وأعظُما

4. The wolf found a moment alone and said
"This fox has fed you enough for today.

٤. ففازَ لديهِ الذئبُ يوماً بخلوةٍ
فقال كفاكَ الثعلبُ اليومَ مطعما

5. Eat him yourself and have no qualms
For I see no sin in making him your meal."

٥. فكُلْهُ وأطعِمْهُ فما هو شكلُنَا
ولستُ أرى في أكلهِ لك مأثما

6. When the two foxes sensed the wolf's deceit
One went to the lion feigning to be sick

٦. فلما أحسَّ الثُعْلُبانُ بكيدِه
تطبَّبَ عندَ اللَّيثِ واحتال مُقدِما

7. And said "I see the king bears a lingering illness
That has wasted his body and weakened his bones

٧. وقال أرى بالمَلْكِ داءً مماطِلاً
تهدَّمَ منه جسمُه وتحطَّمَا

8. Yet in the wolf's liver lies the cure
And if you take it you will quickly recover."

٨. وفي كَبِدِ الذئب الشِفاءُ لدائِه
فإِنْ نالَ منها يَنْجُ منه مُسَلَّما

9. The lion agreed and commanded the wicked wolf
Who escaped running as fast as he was able.

٩. فصادفَ ذا منه قَبولاً فعندَها
أحال على الذئب الخبيث فصمَّما

10. When the two foxes saw him they smiled and said
"Oh you who wear the robe of treachery

١٠. فأفلتَ ممسوخَ الإِهابِ مرمَّلاً
فلما رآه الثُعْلُبانُ تبسَّمَا

11. When will you stop betraying the sultan? Be silent and you may yet be safe."

١١. وصاحَ بهِ يا لابسَ الثوبِ قانياً
متى تخلُ بالسُلطانِ فاسكت لتسلما