
With cheeks ablaze, from his wine he sends

ومشمر الأصداغ يهدي ريقه

1. With cheeks ablaze, from his wine he sends
Intoxicating dew to his eyelids, red.

١. ومشمِّرِ الأصداغِ يُهدي ريقَهُ
من خمرِهِ سُكراً إِلى أجفانِهِ

2. The fetters on his cheeks grew jealous of his love
So they tormented him by cutting out his tongue.

٢. نَمَّتْ سلاسلُ صُدغهِ بعِذارِه
حَسداً فعذَّبَهُ بقطعِ لسانهِ