
Armies of factions descended upon

جند من الأحزاب قد نزلوا على

1. Armies of factions descended upon
Cities with fragile walls

١. جند من الأحزاب قد نزلوا على
مدن لهم أسوارهن رقاق

2. Whose people were frightened and fortified themselves
Against them with defenses and strong barriers

٢. فارتاع منهم أهلها فتحصنوا
منهم بهنّ وأحكم الإغلاق

3. While the armies besieged them from outside
Tightening the siege's noose

٣. والجند خارجها تحاصر أهلها
قد ضاق منها بالحصار خناقُ

4. Throwing inside white petroleum
That burned whoever it doused

٤. يرمون داخلها بنفط أبيض
فيه لمن ناواهم إحراقُ

5. Until after a prolonged siege
Fear and anxiety grew intense

٥. حتى إذا طال الحصار عليهمُ
واشتد منه الخوف والإشفاقُ

6. The city opened and its people were killed and it was destroyed
As fires blazed and souls were led away

٦. فتحت وقتّل أهلها وتهدمت
والنار تضرم والنفوس تساق

7. Its stones melted and its ground
Was saturated with blood of different hues

٧. وغدت حجارتها تذوب وأرضها
فيها أصابيغ الدماء تراقُ

8. The king rejoiced greatly with the victory
That the Creator had ordained for him

٨. والملك أفرحُ مايكون بنصرة
تمت هيأها له الخلاقُ