1. They say, "Keep your money, hoard it closely held"
For the pride of a man is in his wealth amassed
١. يقولون أَبْقِ المالَ واجمعْه مُمْسِكاً
فعِزُّ الفَتى في أن يَجُمَّ ثراؤُهُ
2. I said, "We both shall die, that cannot be repelled"
So to me, its loss seems lighter than my death forecast
٢. فقلت كلانا لا محالةَ هالكٌ
فأهوَنُ عندي من فنائِي فناؤهُ
3. And money kept after me will benefit
Who comes later in time, if it stays unsurpassed
٣. وإِنَّ بقاءَ المالِ بعديَ نافعٌ
لمن كان بعدي في الزمان بقاؤهُ
4. A man's riches without spending are decay
While spending riches makes them grow robust and vast
٤. ثراءُ الفتى من دون إِنفاقِه له
فسادٌ وإِنفاقُ الثَّراء نَماؤهُ
5. So spend, for still water stales, becomes distastefully stale
While flowing water stays fresh, tastes sweet, and will not go to waste
٥. فأَنفِقْ فإِن العينَ يركُدُ ماؤُها
فيأسَنُ والمنزوحُ يعذُبُ ماؤهُ