
With an archer's aim he guides

ومسدد من قوس حاجبه

1. With an archer's aim he guides
His arrow at the warrior from his frowning brow.

١. ومُسَدِّدٍ من قوسِ حاجبهِ
نحوَ المَقاتِلِ سهمَ مقلَتِهِ

2. He feared the arrowheads, so he drew his cheek
A double coat of chainmail 'neath his helmet.

٢. خاف النِّصالَ فصاغ عارِضَهُ
زَرَدَاً تضاعفَ دونَ وجنتِهِ

3. When he saw me weak and perceived
His advantage in his perfect power,

٣. لمَّا رآني حاسِراً ورأى
إدلالَهُ بكمالِ شِكَّتِهِ

4. He restrained his strength out of mercy
And curbed his might to match my frailty.

٤. أنحَى على ضَعْفِي بقوَّتِهِ
وسطَا على عَجْزِي بقدرتِهِ