
She said: "You are deprived of wealth from wherever it comes

قالت حرمت الغنى من حيث أوتيه

1. She said: "You are deprived of wealth from wherever it comes
Except from you, and poverty stems from poverty."

١. قالَتْ حُرِمْتَ الغِنَى مِنْ حَيْثُ أُوتِيَهُ
سِواكَ والعُدْمُ مُشْتَقٌّ مِنَ العَدَمِ

2. So I said: "Enough! For poverty is no disgrace,
Rather man is known for his morals and virtues."

٢. فقُلتُ كُفِّي فليس العُدْمُ منقَصةً
وإنَّما المرءُ بالأخلاقِ والشِّيَمِ

3. "If my state becomes constricted, my ethics do not constrict,
Nor if money is scarce, are my aspirations shortened."

٣. إن ضاقَ خطَّةُ حالي لمْ يضِقْ خُلُقي
أو قصَّرَ المالُ لمْ تقصُرْ له هِمَمي

4. "Do you not know - and the best knowledge is most useful -
That wealth is not considered a virtue?"

٤. أمَا عَلِمْتِ وخيرُ العِلْمِ أنفعُهُ
أنَّ الغِنَى غيرُ محسوبٍ مِنَ الكَرَمِ

5. "Do I reckon difficulty an inseparable companion?
And the guarantor of ease for me is none other than the Almighty."

٥. أأحسبُ العُسْرَ جارًا لا يُفارقُني
وضامنُ اليُسْرِ عندي غيرُ متَّهَمِ