
A hungry dragon with a tail

تنينا جائع له ذنب

1. A hungry dragon with a tail
That it sucks food from when famished

١. تنينا جائع له ذنب
يمتصّ منه الغذا إذا سغبا

2. And with that meal it nurtures itself
Returning to life after it was impaired

٢. وهو بذاك الغداء يرضعه
يعود حياً من بعد ما عطبا

3. Like an infant suckling milk
From its mother's breast until it grew and thrived

٣. كالطفل من ثدي أمه رضع ال
لبان حتى نما وحبا

4. Its tail provides all it needs to live
Drinking water for ages until sated and matured

٤. فراشه ترينا الذي شرب ال
ماء زماناً حتى ارتوى وربا

5. It turned water and air into
Its tail after they rose up as smoke

٥. قد صيّر الماء والهواء له
من بعد أن صعدا هما ذنبا

6. For fire and air are
Its endless sustenance, oh wonder

٦. وإنما النار والهواء هما
غذؤه دائما فيا عجبا