1. We rode to the meadow where the morning breeze
Brings fragrant breaths that mingle and coalesce.
١. مِلْنا إِلى النَّشْر الذي تلتقِي
إليه أنفاسُ الصَّبَا عاطِرَه
2. There we let our horses freely gallop and race
Across its fresh, verdant, and flourishing space.
٢. ثم خلعْنا لُجُمَ الخيلِ في
رياضهِ المونقةِ الناضِرَه
3. Around a pond whose waters like armor lie,
With ground so delicate it seems to subsidize.
٣. حولَ غديرٍ ماؤُه دارعٌ
والأرضُ من رقَّتِه حاسِرَه
4. When the sun nears the pond, the glow of dawn
Is a beauty looking at herself forlorn.
٤. فالشمس إنْ حاذَتْهُ رأْدَ الضُّحَى
حسناءُ في مرآتِها ناظِرَه
5. And when stars approach as night starts to loom,
They swim in its still waters cloaked in gloom.
٥. والشهب إن حاذَتْهُ جُنحَ الدُّجَى
تسبحُ في لُجَّتِه الزاخِرَه
6. The meadow has decked it with stars ashore,
Emeralds among its reeds that dazzlingly pour.
٦. قد ركّب الخضراء فيه فمن
حصبائِه أنجُمُها الزاهِرَه
7. A passing venomous wind, if it whips through,
Would sting with its scorching and searing hallu.
٧. يخصَر إن مرَّ بأرجائِه
لفحُ سَمومٍ في لَظَى الهاجِرَه
8. This pond we were promised would await us, would sate us,
With water to drink in the thereafter, our balm and elixir.
٨. أنموذجُ الماءِ الذي جاءَنا ال
وعدُ بأنْ نُسْقَاهُ في الآخِرَه