1. A guest arrived as the night shed its hue
Above the south with its loose wing
١. ضَيفٌ سَرى والليلُ ينفُض صِبْغَهُ
فوق الجَنوبِ بجُنْحِه الفَضْفَاضِ
2. Struck by the peaks of mountains, it flowed
Stirring the fresh springs with a wink
٢. ضُربتْ بأسنِمَةِ الجبالِ وقد سرتْ
خفَّاقَةَ العذَباتِ بالإيماضِ
3. The wind wrapped his surplus raiment around him
With traces of twisted braids in its pleats
٣. ضمَّتْ عليهِ الريحُ فضلَ ردائِه
وبهِ من الشَّفَّانِ ندبُ عِضَاضِ
4. The groups of nightingales hosted him, and the darkness
Did not pelt the blackness of their horns with whiteness
٤. ضافتْهُ أسرابُ البلابلِ والدُّجَى
لم ترمِ سُودَ قُرونِها ببياضِ
5. The eyelids of timelessness struck him
And the night closed its eyes tightly
٥. ضربتْ أهاضِيبَ الكَرى أجفانُهُ
والليلُ أغمضَ أيَّما إغماضِ
6. Gather his bags to us, and rest
The years were restless like the slithering snake
٦. ضُمِّي حقائِبَهُ إلينا واحضَأي
قلقَ السَّنَا كالحيَّةِ النَضْنَاضِ
7. A light poured like the gazelle melted it
Its overflowing radiance extinguishing its succession
٧. ضوءٌ كما صَبَّ الغزالةُ ذوبَها
يُطْفِي تلاحُقَ نورِها الفيَّاضِ
8. Match your plot with the plot of fate and determine
The most wondrous resolves of the decisive
٨. ضاهِي بكيدِكِ كيدَ دهرٍ واعزِمي
عَزَماتِ أروعَ مُبْرِمٍ نَقَّاضِ
9. The expanse of matters narrowed for him and was relieved
By the resolve of a tamer, gentle and tender
٩. ضاقت له فُسَحُ الأمورِ وأُفرجتْ
عنه بعزمِ مروِّضٍ روَّاضِ
10. Your wit clung to wealth and did not see
The choicest praise compensating the deprived
١٠. ضنَّتْ لِثاتُكِ للثراءِ ولم تَرَيْ
نُخَبَ الثناءِ معوضةَ المعتاضِ
11. A man went astray, ambushing the peak of his life
With his remedy, incited by whims
١١. ضَلَّ اِمرؤٌ يغتالُ ذروةَ عُمْرهِ
بشفائِه حَرَضاً من الأحراضِ
12. Repel the guile of greedy hopes and from the shards
The ruination of conspiracies of hidden objectives
١٢. ضَرِمُ المطامعِ كيدهُ ومن الشظى
دحْضُ المواطِئ مُكثبُ الأغراضِ
13. Secured when the strangeness of his might errs
With resolves subduing necks afflicted
١٣. ضَمِنٌ إِذا خبطتْ غريبةُ بأسهِ
بعزائمٍ خُضُعِ الرِقابِ مِراضِ
14. The ascent in the steps of his plot
Yearns with the planted vigor of powers released
١٤. ضَنْكُ المعارج في مدارجِ كيدِه
يهفو بمنْبَتِّ القُوى مُنهاضِ
15. The meekness of his humiliation muted its roar
A habit to the yokes of disgrace passed
١٥. ضامت أخِشَّةُ ذُلِّهِ عرنينَهُ
عَوْدٌ على جُلَبِ المهانةِ ماضِ