1. She remained awake throughout the long night, sleepless,
Her yellow complexion faded, drained by tears and insomnia,
١. تنبَّهَت بيَ طولَ الليلِ ناحِلَةٌ
صفراءُ أفنَى قُواهَا الدمعُ والأرقُ
2. Her soul, ablaze over her temples,
Creeps through her body leaving her no vigor,
٢. لها من النارِ روحٌ فوقَ مَفْرِقِهَا
تدِبُّ فيها ولا يبقَى لها رَمَقُ
3. She bears the night, destroying it, though it devours her,
The night laughs as she weeps and burns,
٣. تكابدُ الليلَ تُفْنِيه ويأكُلُها
والليلُ يضحكُ إذْ تبكِي وتحتَرِقُ
4. So I said, you're not like me, you live in comfort
At peace all day while my days are filled with worry
٤. فقلتُ ما أنتِ مثلي أنتِ في دَعَةٍ
طولَ النهارِ ويومي كلُّهُ قَلقُ