1. I say, and the days of my life burn their fuel against me,
And their embers overcome me,
١. أقولُ وصرفُ الدهرِ يَحْرُقُ نابَهُ
عليَّ ويستولي عليَّ فواقِرُهْ
2. Its arrows have pierced my sides,
Its fangs and claws are obsessed with me,
٢. وقد صَرَدتْ في جانبيَّ نِبالُهُ
وأولعَ بي أنيابُهُ وأظافِرُهْ
3. Take me and drag me away, O hyena, and be glad
At the flesh of a man who today has no helper,
٣. خُذيني وجُرِّيني جَعارِ وأبْشِري
بلحمِ امريءٍ لم يُشهدِ اليومَ ناصِرُهْ
4. After the son of Fadlullah, days bowed my neck down,
The hand of time violently against me its embers,
٤. فبعدَ ابنِ فضلِ اللّه طأطأ منكبي
يدُ الدهرِ مدلولاً عليَّ فواقِرُهْ
5. And the wolves have left their marks on my lute, and long ago,
It resisted and refused to be broken by them
٥. وأَثَّرَ في عُودي النُيوبَ وطالَما
تمنَّعَ واستعصَى عليها مكاسِرُهْ
6. And habit has left me to tribulations,
As bones left to be crushed by their breakers,
٦. وأسلمني للنائباتِ بِعَادُهُ
كما أَسلمَ العظمَ المَهيضَ جبائِرُهْ
7. And the tidings of misfortune have pastured my soul after him,
Though at times I disdained its deterrents,
٧. وراعَ جَنانِي نبأةُ الخطبِ بعدَهْ
ويا رُبَّما هانتْ عليَّ زماجِرُهْ
8. Indeed, men gained his bounties, graced for them,
The roots of a life whose flame their departure has extinguished,
٨. لقد حازَ نُعماهُ رجالٌ صفَتْ لهمْ
أصائلُ عيشٍ أرمضتهُ هواجرُهْ
9. A cloud shadowed them of which in it and them
Its thunderbolts were dispersed and its showers were poured,
٩. أظلَّهمُ منه سَحابٌ تَفَرَّقَتْ
صواعقُه فيه وفيهم مواطِرُهْ
10. And the evils rewarded them for his good deeds,
And days circulated upon him with misfortune its circles,
١٠. جزتهُمْ جوازي الشَرِّ عن حَسَناتِهِ
ودارتْ عليه بالمَنونِ دوائِرُهْ
11. And whoever denies the bounty of which he is its lord,
For as long as I live, I will thank its causes,
١١. ومن يجحدِ النُّعْمى التي هو ربُّها
فإني على العِلّاتِ ما عِشْتُ شاكِرُهْ
12. I used to be in a wasteland with prolonged branched grasses,
Where the star spends the night and converses with it,
١٢. لقد كنتُ في غيطاءَ ممطولةِ الذُّرَى
يَبيتُ عليها النجمُ وهي تُسامرُهْ
13. But after the days cast him away, I became after him
In a place of abundant humiliation overflowing its banks,
١٣. فلمّا رماهُ الدهرُ أصبحتُ بعدَهُ
بمُستنّ سيلِ الذُّلّ تطغَى زواجِرُهْ