
Take in your youth the finest living has to offer,

خذ من شبابك صفو العيش مبتدرا

1. Take in your youth the finest living has to offer,
For the harbinger of gray hair comes to warn you.

١. خُذْ من شبابِكَ صفوَ العيش مبتدِراً
فقد أتاكَ نذيرُ الشَّيْبِ يبتَدِرُ

2. Receive your share of joy before parting comes,
So that no trace or story remains thereafter.

٢. واستوفِ حظَّكَ منهُ قبل فُرقَتِه
بحيثُ لا أثَرٌ يبقَى ولا خَبَرُ

3. What remains of one's youth soon disappears,
As if it were a night of union about to end.

٣. بقيَّةٌ من شَبابٍ بانَ أكثرُهُ
كأنَّهُ ليلُ وَصْلٍ كادَ ينحَسِرُ

4. Know its rights and hold fast to it tightly,
For purity comes next and then bitterness.

٤. فاعرِفْ لها حقَّها واشدَدْ يديكَ بها
فإنّهُ الصفْوُ يأتي بعدَهُ الكَدَرُ