1. Within the souls there is a sulfur
That attracts the female to itself
١. في باطن الأرواح كبريتة
تجتذب الأنثى إلى نفسِها
2. And she only aspires to her soil
Because it was originally of her kind
٢. وإنما تصبو إلى تربها
لأنه في الأصل من جنسِها
3. Those kinships between them
Were defined by lingering in her prison
٣. تلك القرابات التي بينها
تحددت باللبث في حبسِها
4. Their bodies were married by dissolution
So she came to aspire to herself
٤. قد زوجت بالحل أجسادها
فاصبحت تصبو إلى نفسِها
5. And these colors were born
From their seeds the colors in her sun
٥. وهذه الأصباغ قد ولدت
من بذرها الأصباغ في شمسِها