
A companion to help me weep, staying up all night

ومساعد لي في البكاء مساهر

1. A companion to help me weep, staying up all night
Comforting me with his kind company

١. ومساعدٍ لي في البكاء مُساهرٍ
بالليل يؤنِسُني بطيبِ لقائِهِ

2. Whether my tears put him to sleep or injure his eye
Whether my ribs break his bones or his illness kills him

٢. هامِي المدامع أو يُصابَ بعينهِ
حامي الأضالعِ أو يموتَ بدائهِ

3. A scabby person who takes his soul from his body
So his life is hostage to his demise

٣. غرثانُ يأخذ روحَه من جسمهِ
فحياتُه مرهونةٌ بفَنائِهِ

4. Heals from injury then gets his neck hit
To make it a stronger cause of his recovery

٤. يُشفِي على تَلَفٍ فيُضربُ عُنْقُهُ
فيكونُ أقوى موجبٍ لِشفائهِ

5. I made him equal in his color and features
And preferred him in his misery and hardship

٥. ساويتُه في لونه ونُحولهِ
وفضَلتُه في بُؤسهِ وشقَائهِ

6. Assume he is like me, burning inside
His pillow all night long is his crying

٦. هَبْ أَنَّهُ مِثلي بحُرقةِ قلبه
وسُهاده طولَ الدُّجَى وبكائهِ

7. Someone carefree all day long
Like a tortured soul day and night

٧. أفوادِعٌ طولَ النهار مرفَّهٌ
كمعذّبٍ بصباحه ومسائهِ