
My son, if the sultan favors you, rely

بني إذا السلطان خصك فاعتمد

1. My son, if the sultan favors you, rely
On the integrity of a soul that possesses the most glorious honor.

١. بُنَيَّ إِذا السلطانُ خَصَّك فاعتمِدْ
نزاهَةَ نفسٍ تملِكُ العِزَّ أغيَدَا

2. And provide him with everything his eye desires,
But do not extend to what his hand has seen.

٢. ووفِّر عليهِ كلَّ مَا مَدَّ عينَهُ
إليهِ ولا تمدُدْ إِلى ما رأى يدَا

3. Have you not seen that the wolf frightened its head
From the harassment of hyenas while hunting?

٣. ألم ترَ أنَّ الذئبَ طَيَّرَ رأسَهُ
مزاحمةُ الضِّرغامِ فيما تَصَيَّدا

4. He saw his soul as worthier of the prey, so he knocked it
With the black-armed hyena's blow, a hunter.

٤. رأى نفسَه بالصيدِ أولَى فدقَّهُ
بلَطْمةِ مُسوَدِّ الذِّراعين أصيدَا

5. So when the two foxes felt his might,
They learned from him a proper division of prey.

٥. فلما أحسَّ الثعلبانُ ببأْسِهِ
تعلَّمَ منه قِسمةَ الصيدِ جيِّدَا

6. And they preferred him in hunting to protect themselves,
And he was a helper in matters, well-supported.

٦. وآثرَهُ بالصَّيْدِ صَوْناً لنفسهِ
وكان مُعَاناً في الأمورِ مُؤَيَّدَا

7. Thus the examples were set by those before us,
And they left us the glorious elevated heritage.

٧. كذا ضربَ الأمثالَ من كان قبلَنا
وأورثَنا المجدَ الرفيعَ المُشَيَّدَا