
May God reward them well, and the reward is in His hands

جزى الله خيرا والجزاء بكفه

1. May God reward them well, and the reward is in His hands
My people of Darim, from every side and every creditor

١. جزى الله خيراً والجزاء بكفه
بني دارم عن كل جان وغارم

2. They carried my belongings and fulfilled my trust
And returned to me on the feathers of the carriers

٢. هم حملوا رحلي وأدوا أمانتي
إلي وردوا في ريش القوادم

3. There is no flaw in them except that their palms
For their money are like the sweeping years

٣. ولا عيب فيهم غير أن أكفهم
لأموالهم مثل السنين الحواطم

4. And they do not bequeath to their children
And if they inherit good, treasures of dirhams

٤. وإنهم لا يورثون بنيهم
وإن ورثوا خيراً كنوز الدراهم

5. And it does not harm one whose father and mother
Are ascribed to Darim, not to be of Hashim

٥. وما ضر منسوباً أبوه وأمه
الى دارم ألا يكون لهاشم